Finding the Forgemaster's Tongs Plot in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Finding the Forgemaster's Tongs

The Forgemaster's Tongs refer to a holy artifact created by Brigid the Wonderworker  
Spoke directly with Brigid at Beagcòm- she asked the party to think about why they wanted the Tongs, and said "it didn't count unless they were helping someone"  
Prophetic Dream: Erruption of Mathair's Hearth  
Saw Brigid in the The Razed Forest:  
She asked "Who are you helping?" Guy told her they were helping Dreka, the train goddess. "It's terrible, what's been done. A terrible means to a terrible end. I don't approve of her father, but no one chooses her parents. It would be good to believe you. You helped the monks, but it seemed more like a challenge for you. I'm not sure helping others was the point. Power is a terrible, important thing. I can't give it out lightly. Keep going- I hope you make it."
Spoke with Vanir:  
Vanir teased the party. While he couldn't give the party any answers, or Brigid wouldn't credit them with having done any work, he was able to tell them that they were running out of time, and they were working far too literally. The dream he sent them shouldn't be taken so literally- the volcano is a metaphor.
After a senseless defense of Mathair's Hearth, the party earned the trust of Brigid, and were given the Forgemaster's Tongs

Articles under Finding the Forgemaster's Tongs