The Taskforce Organization in Dascapus | World Anvil
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The Taskforce

The Taskforce were formed in Late Autumn of 1428AC, as an extension of the Asparian Council under the command of Sovereign Hugue Foxburn. They were tasked with various missions that were out of the scope of either the Stone Legion or the Asparian Spy Network. The Taskforce has seen a number of lineup changes over the years but has always remained a group of adventurers at it's core.

The Taskforce currently inhabit the Prime Timeline.

Current Members

  • Davvis, Goblin Wizard, 1430AC to Present
  • Djinn Ven-Tor, Fire Genasi Artificer, 1430AC to Present
  • Guroen Kenguard, Dwarf Fighter, 1428AC to Present
  • Shiina Faulkner, Yuan-ti Rogue, 1428AC to Present
  • Previous Members

  • Althar Sachs, Halfling Bard, 1428AC (KIA)
  • Owen O'kennaday, Tiefling Monk, 1428AC to 1430AC (Retired)
  • Quintus Ainur, Aasimar Paladin, 1428AC to 1429AC (MIA)
  • Zenthar, Elf Druid, 1428AC to 1429AC (Retired)
  • Type
    Adventuring Party


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