Angel of the Lake Myth in Dascapus | World Anvil
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Angel of the Lake

In the land of Grosia lies a lake, a few miles outside the farming town of Shanshannonly. It was said that if you swam in this lake, you would be cleansed of all your sins.   Many years ago, a poor farmer came to the lake to wash his sins away. He had been struggling to make ends meet and had stolen some food to his feed his family. As he was about to enter the water, he saw a celestial being appear through the mists above the water and approach him. The being asked the farmer why he was there, and the farmer told the being his story.   The being was so moved by the farmer's plight, they decided to help him. The being made it so that the farmer would never struggle to provide for his family ever again, and would never have to steal to feed them. The farmer was overjoyed and thanked the being profusely, saying he would repay them somehow someday, but the being was content with the joy he had bought to the farmer.   From that day onwards, the farmer was always able to provide for his family, and they never went hungry again. The lake became known as Lake Clemency - not just because it washed away sins, but because it was a place where mercy and compassion were shown to those who needed it most.   An adventurers guild in Shanshannonly named themselves after this legend, due to their desire to help people and be as compassionate and merciful as the angel of the lake.


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