Bachela Organization in Dasani | World Anvil
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Bachela (Ba-kel-a)

"The crowd, peaceful just moments before, fell upon the young Dragonborn like a pack of wolves." -from Hrundar: A Forgotten World by Harris Maximus

Old and experiences, Bachela was the home of the original dragons, who are said to have dug the rivers and planted the trees of the great continent of Hrundar. With the old dragons long gone, the country is now inhabited by their descendents: dragonborn, kobolds, and sorcerers. Despite it's beautiful architecture and deep history, the nation has come under fire from some civil rights group for their mistreatment of chromatic dragons and dragonborn, with offense ranging from lynching to slavery. However, Bachela continues its crusade against the chromatic dragons until not a drop of blood remains.


Bound by Blood: Bachela's deep hatred for chromatic dragons is only mirrored by their devoted love for the metallic dragons. Those with high percentages of metallic blood are treated as royalty by the masses, and those with the strongest metallic blood are appointed to the Talons of Bahamut. The Talons of Bahamut are the leaders of the country and control all of its functions, from creating laws to declaring wars. Despite their unlimited power, the Talons of Bahamut are quite good leaders and always attempt to make every decision with their citizens in mind. Whether this is due to their metallic blood or their high education is currently heavy debate among philosophers around Dasani
Metallic Lords Each major city of Bachela is headed by a Metallic Lord, an individual with amounts of magic blood that just misses the requirements to be a Talon. Metallic Lords have full control over their city and surrounding settlements, creating local laws and handling complaints by their citizens. Additionally, the Metallic Lords proceed over legal cases in their providence. Metallic Lords are well respected by their citizens, however in recent years some Bachelan scholars have begun pushing for a more diplomatic leadership
Chromatic Harroc: Roughly translating to "Hunter of Chromatics" in common, a Chromatic Harroc is the final level of government in Bachela. These dragonborn and sorcerers are the best hunters in the country and work directly under the Metallic Lords and, if the threat is great enough, the Talons of Bahamut to hunt down chromatic dragons who are hiding in the jungles of Hrundar or living amongst the citizens of Bachela. Members of this group are treated like nobility when recognized by the public and enjoy the finest lodging, dinery, and companionship when staying in a town. However, Chromatic Harrocs' lives are not all fun and games, each member is relentless in their extermination of chromatic kind and spend most of their time in the jungles of Hrundar, hunting down the final remnants of the chromatic race.


Blood Ranked: Bachelans see all creatures on a scale based on their blood. Those with metallic blood are respected while those with chromatic blood are shunned, if not outright killed. The difference between those with metallic and chromatic blood is oceanic to Bachelans, a single drop of chromatic blood can send a citizen into ostracized poverty... or worse if a Chromatic Harroc takes note of their existence.
Lesser Bloods: Those with chromatic blood are treated like lesser creatures in Bachela. Chromatic Drakes are used as pack animals, weighed down by a weight too great for their bodies and pushed to their deaths before being replaced by a similar Drake. Dragonborn and sorcerers with even a drop of chromatic blood are thrown from their houses and forced to live on the streets in deep poverty while those with higher concentrations are hunted by Chromatic Harrocs to be exterminated. Worst of all, Kobolds are treated as slave labor in the country, being forced to work 14 hour shifts in the blazing heat of Bachela. Those who succumb to the heat are promptly executed by their owners, their existence no longer of use. The treatment of those with chromatic blood has spurred a heated debate among scholars, philosophers, and royals around Dasani, with some believing the treatment are vile acts of unfounded racism while others believe chromatic blood is deserving of death, due to the original chromatic dragons' sins.
Education to Agitation: Bachelans are a highly intelligent and capable people, their metallic blood allowing them to learn concepts and magic much quicker than other races. Public education is highly value by the citizens and social, political, and economic discourse is encouraged in public debates. Bachelans enjoy educating themselves on history especially, however their opinions on some topics can be skewed by their own personal bias. This bias, in the end, is their Achilles Heel. Many Bachelans take deep pride in their nation and its history, which can lead to deep agitation if not anger when their view is challenged. Despite this fault, Bachelan scholars are a welcomed addition at many international debates.
Noble Lifestyles: Due to their use of slave labor, Bachelans live quite comfortable lives that would be reserved to the nobility in other nations. Bachelans enjoy fine dining and comfortable beds wherever they go, and this has skewed how they see the world. Many Bachelans, especially the young, believe that extravagancies are necessities and cannot fathom how other nations live without their own worldly comforts. Despite their expensive tastes, most Bachelans will gladly accept other cultures dining, lodging, and customs out of respect, however they will secretly look forward to their return home.

Public Agenda

The Decimation of All Chromatic Bloodlines: Bachela has historically called for the complete genocide of those with chromatic blood, with their methods ranging from archaic to plain barbaric. Bachela has called for the sterilization of all with a single drop of chromatic blood, the execution or expulsion of those with a high level, and the creation of an international military group to hunt down and exterminate the few Adult and Ancient Chromatic dragons still alive and in hiding.
Education Reform: Bachela has also called for an international education reform across all of Dasani. As spoken by Krunzix Kystex at an international event in 702: "The blatant lack of education shown by many citizens of Dasani is a severe problem that all of us, regardless of nation, creed, or race, must work together to further our peoples' education."


0-1733 BGG- Primitive Years: Until 1734, Bachela was not a nation and instead a collection of individual tribes, each made up of dragonborn of specific dragon types. Despite never officially creating an allyship, tribes with metallic ancestry would regularly join forces to combat tribes with chromatic ancestry, and vice versa. This warfare set the ground for the creation of the country as a whole.

Demography and Population

Bachela is mostly populated by draconic races such as dragonborn and kobolds, however some humans with draconic blood have also made their homes in the country. While dragonborn make up the majority of the population, due to heavy racial tensions the government of Bachela splits Dragonborn into two, distinct races: Metallic and Chromatic
Metallic Dragonborn- 64%: The Metallic Dragonborn have lived in Bachela since the first dragonborn were birthed and have held rule as long as Bachlan history was wrote. Even in the days of tribal warfare, Metallic Dragonborn held a dominance in the region due to their high intelligence, quick wit, and powerful builds. The Metallic Dragonborn also make up most of the Bachelan government, with a few exceptions in mayor positions.
Kobold- 25%: The kobolds make up about one-fourth of the population, however this population does not correlate with their representation. Kobolds make up the slave force of Bachela, working in fields ranging from simple farm work to working as butlers in high class homes. How kobolds are treated is as varied as the work they do, some kobolds are treated as street gutter garbage while others are treated as pseudo-family by their owning household. 
Draconic Blooded- 10%: While most of the population traces their lineage directly from dragons, a small population instead have a small amount of draconic blood in them. The Draconic Blooded race makes up all citizens who have any percentage of draconic blood and are also a race not seen as "draconic". This class includes mostly humans, however a small number of goliaths and dwarves are also included. An important fact to note is that chromatic blood is not allowed in the country, therefore all Draconic Blooded citizens trace back to a metallic dragon.
Chromatic Dragonborn- 1%: Despite being one of the original races in Bachela, the chromatic dragonborn have been almost entirely wiped out from the country. Now living on the edges of society, the chromatic dragonborn struggle to make a living while hiding their ancestry from their peers. The few Chromatic Dragonborn that still survive in the country do so by painting their scales or using illusion magic to appear more like their ancestor's metallic counterpart. This population is steadily declining as the Chromatic Harroc increase their skills in hunting and slaughtering the species.
Other Races- <1%: Due to Bachela's exotic and heavy culture, very few travelers decide to settle down in the country. Due to this, Bachela has few immigrants with no draconic blood and operate with an almost isolated population.


Bachela controls the entire southern half of Hrundar. Their ancestral home, this land was inhabited by the original metallic dragons who eventually gave birth to the dragonborn race. Lush and fertile, the land is covered in a thick forest of trees and is hit by regular rainfall that allows many exotic crops to grow.


Required Service: Every citizen of Bachela is required to serve in the military for at least 5 years after reaching maturity, which ranges based on the citizen's race. During this time Bachelans are trained in guerilla warfare and powerful physical techniques that allow them to overpower their foes through a combination of stealth and brute force. Due to dragonborn skin being naturally thick, armor is unneeded and many citizens go a step further and train as monks in their ancestral home. After these 5 years of training, Bachelans are given the choice to either return to civilian life as a reserve or furthering their military education. Those who decide to further their military education train in ancient dragonborn techniques and gain abilities on par with a monk.

Foreign Relations

Education Reformation: Bachela has aided multiple countries in reforming their education towards a more accessible, affordable, and efficient system. The Kingdom of Ruitis, Eldia, and Kojark have all received aid from the country and the Republic of Disbord has requested aid. However, not all countries have requested or accepted aid: Kojark, Ascor, and the Church of the Gods have all declined aid for individual, personal reasons.
Fanatical Genocide: Despite having a genuinely positive relationship with the rest of Dasani, Bachela has repeatedly received condemnation for their desired genocide of the chromatic blooded. Desvla, Eldia, and Kojark have all expressed their discomfort with the crusade and have repeatedly confirmed that they will not allow racial attacks in their countries. In contrast, Ascor and the former nations of Disbord both supported the crusade and have expelled most chromatic blooded individuals from their borders. Notably, the Kingdom of Ruitis has yet to make any official announcement on the matter, deciding instead to remain neutral in the matter.


Bachelans are deep believers in intricate thought and carry their education in high importance. Bachelans are educated fully throughout their youth and education is further offered to those who complete their 5 years of service in the Bachelan military. Some aspects of Bachelan education are included below.
Thought over Memory: Bachelan education is built upon teaching students topics that will arouse their minds and allow them to clearly visualize the topic at hand. Bachelans students are expected to remember topics instead of memorize them and question every matter at hand. This form of education encourages philosophy, writing, and history.
Intelligence First: In contrast to the arts, the sciences are taught over time. Math is taught efficiently while science is taught over long periods of time to allow students to truly grasp the ideas presented. This form of teaching encourages student's to understand the material instead of memorize it, which Bachela hopes leads to innovations in the field.
Chromatic Race Theory: Bachela's history is taught in an extremely independent way. As children grow, they are encouraged to form their own opinions on history while being taught the facts. Tests are given based on individual reasoning rather than universal facts: what happened should be known but who was right and wrong is up to the student. However, Bachela also teaches the controversial Chromatic Race Theory which suggests that chromatic and metallic dragonborn are fundamentally different an should be treated as such. Some nations have dropped this section from their education systems which has lead to heated debate between scholars of Bachela and Dasani

Until the Final Drop

Founding Date
1734 BGG
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Major Imports
While the jungles of Bachela offer most of what Bachelans need to thrive, there are a few resources that are either unfound or too scarce to be found in the forest. These resources are imported from around Dasani via ship and, in some rare cases, direct teleportation magic.
Metals: Bachela has suffered from a severe lack of metal for centuries with the few veins being stripped clean in the past few decades. To counter this, Bachela regularly imports metals and ironworking tools from Kojark and Desvla which has become one of the constants between the two countries.
Livestock: Although farming livestock is possible in Bachela, every few years the demand for eat outpaces the supply and Bachela must import domesticated livestock into the country. This livestock comes mostly from Eldia, however the Kingdom of Ruitis has exported livestock in times of extreme famine.
Neighboring Nations


One of the most unbalanced relationships in Dasani, Kojark's dislike of Bachela due to racial crusading is contrasted by Bachela's deep respect for Kojark's technological advances, even if they do see it as just another way to kill Chromatic dragonkin.


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