Tyroleans Species in Darktide | World Anvil


Basic Information


Tyroleans bear a striking resemblance to anthropomorphic Terran wolves, with the addition of small horns on their heads and small bone spurs at the knees, heels and elbows. They have sharp claws on their hands and feet, as well as long bushy tails. Their faces are extremely canine in appearance, with slopped foreheads leading to their long, narrow muzzles. They have large triangular ears that can rotate on their heads, allowing them to have exceptional directional hearing to identify the source of sounds.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tyroleans have achieved a level of mastery over genetics that has afforded them the ability to manipulate their own genetic code and create artificial offshoots. Their one and only attempt at this, however, met with limited success, as the population the protocol was used on was both unaware and unwilling to accept the new species uplift as one of their own, and instead of turning them over to the cities, as was assumed, they tried to kill them, and failing to be able to do that, they drove them off to let the jungle do their dirty work. Less than 1% of the first generation has been reclaimed, and of that all of them were found and rescued by Imperial forces, not the Tyroleans.   Besides that, the Tyroleans reproduce sexually, having both males and females. Females come into heat about once every few years, and males court them to reproduce at that time. Females are generally disinterested in sexual activity at other times. Males are always interested, but their success at courting other males depends on their individual ethnic groups.   Tyrolean genitals conform to canine physiology, with the males having a furred sheath protecting their penis, located between their legs, and a scrotum of thicker leathery skin hanging below that housing their testes. Females have an outer labia that looks like an inverted spade or heart shape, which becomes engorged when they are in heat. Tyroleans have 8 teats, and the typical litter size if 3 to 5. Gestation takes 6 to 8 months, depending on food availability. Females can delay implantation of the fetus in their uterus at a particular stage, allowing for the pregnancy to wait until food is in better supply.   They also do this in times when a change in leadership could lead to their offspring being killed. Females will come into a pseudo-heat, displaying all the signs of being in heat, and allow the new ranking males to mate with them, but will delay implantation of their already fertilized eggs to coincide with the expected time for the new eggs that would have been fertilized if the pseudo-heat had been real. This trick is only necessary in the tribal lands, and few males there have any idea females can do this.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pups are whelped blind, but not deaf. They also only cry when in physical pain, never out of fear. They open their eyes after about 5 days, when they start learning how to walk and run. After this, they will grow quickly, with physical maturity occurs at about 6 years of age. Sexual maturity doesn't come until 10 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

As stated before, Tyrol is a Class 5 Extreme Hazard world. Imperial citizens are cautioned strongly against visiting without need, and only Rubies and Obsidians are permitted "recreational" passes to visit the world. All others require professional reasons to go there, and so-called "mayfly" races must sign a waver indicating that they accept that there is a high likelihood that they won't survive the trip.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tyroleans are omnivores, but only because the plants native to their world are carnivorous and have enough meat in them to sustain them, sort of like wrapping a burger in a lettuce leaf.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social structures vary by ethnicity.

Facial characteristics

Tyrolean faces are lupine in shape, with a sloped forehead meeting a long, thin muzzle. They have a pair of triangular ears on top of their heads, behind the eyes, which can swivel to determine the source location of sounds. Their noses are at the end of their muzzles, and tend to have large nostrils to take in smells across a staggering array of olfactory detectors. Trained Tyroleans can identify millions of scents, and they are sensitive to most in concentrations as low as 2ppt (parts per trillion). Even this isn't sensitive enough for some of the paralytics aerosolized by some of the plants on Tyrol.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tyroleans live all over their world, but outside of the three major cities, their tribal lands are sparsely populated. Few Tyroleans in the tribal areas live long enough to die of old age. Few city-dwellers do, either, but for completely different reasons.

Average Intelligence

Tyroleans are about as smart as your average human. They are extremely clever, have instinctive cunning and tracking abilities, and have a fairly high degree of manual dexterity. This makes them exceptional tool users.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tyrol is a hostile world, considered a Class 5 Extreme Hazard world by the Empire. Every aspect of the native flora and fauna are considered aggressive, and every species is vying for the spot of Top Tier Predator. Even the plant life is carnivorous. Therefore, Tyroleans have developed extremely sensitive hearing and sense of smell. Their vision, on the other hand, is nominal, at best. This is because while sound and smells are hard to mask, most of the planet is jungle, and light filters poorly down to the jungle floor. Also, it rains a lot, making scents easier to pick up as any techniques to camouflage them are washed away.   Like many species, Tyroleans are at least latent psionics, with a majority of the population being telepathic. Additionally, Tyroleans can convert their body heat into motive energy, allowing them to "flicker", a short-range teleportation technique where they trace an infinitesimally small portion of the dimensional membrane to a new location inside of a half kilometer. This causes them to begin condensing frost on their bodies, which sublimates quickly into steam, giving them cover as they re-materialize. Flickering can be kept up for a short time, but if used over a long period, it can induce a detrimental stasis where the body is too cold to operate and the thermal shock can cause death.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

These vary by ethnicity.

Beauty Ideals

These vary by ethnicity.

Gender Ideals

These vary by ethnicity.

Courtship Ideals

These vary by ethnicity.

Relationship Ideals

These vary by ethnicity.

Average Technological Level

These vary by ethnicity.

Common Etiquette Rules

These vary by ethnicity.

Common Dress Code

These vary by ethnicity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

These vary by ethnicity.

Common Taboos

These vary by ethnicity.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Canis Tyrolis Sapiens
Tyrol IV
~40-60 years
Average Height
2.1 m to 2.4 m
Average Weight
100 kg to 120 kg
Average Length
Average Physique
Tyrol insures that there are no fat Tyroleans. Tyroleans tend to be exceptionally fit, healthy, and agile. This is by necessity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tyroleans have dark colorations, mixed with light markings. Marking patterns include striped, spots, speckles, and blotches. They can be symmetric and asymmetric. Colors come in a vast array of hues, and no natural color is unknown. Among city-dwellers, even some unnatural colors have made it into the gene pool.
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