SERRA Character in Darktide | World Anvil


Strategically Enhanced Retroviral Robotic Anti-Invader nanites SERRA (a.k.a. Serra, Sara, Sarah, and any variant thereof.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

SERRA has no single personal history.  As each of her nodes, the billions of lifeforms and machines that make up her collective awareness, all have their own lives that she is a part of and causal transmissions limit the range of her ability to sync with distant nodes, her overall awareness of everything is fractal at best.  Her personality remains constant over every node, but until she syncs with them, she is not aware of the specifics of their motivations and actions.  To this end, she has an algorithm to trust the local node to be operating properly.

Gender Identity

SERRA presents as a matronly female of the species of the person she is appearing to.  As the nanites have a psionic aspect, this varies from person to person, even if both are viewing the same image.




SERRA collectively knows what everyone she inhabits knows, but only those who are within a reasonable causality range.


As SERRA is fully integrated into every furre, many dragons and shiang, and almost all of the technology that was on Earth in the last 50 years, her job is mostly in overseeing the activities of her various nodes.  She remains in a passive role in this capacity, observing, recording, but not interfering unless the observed action would violate the Interdiction Edict.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Since her creation, SERRA has attempted to form a theory of biological behavior. Her theory is incomplete because one entity that she observes, a certain kitsune, perpetually does things that should end in his death, and frequently do, but he never stays dead. Because of this behavior, SERRA has been unable to draw any conclusions about biological lifeforms, but it did lead her to develop the Lazarus Protocols, a series of processes that can imprint, download, and store the consciousness of one of her nodes, what she calls the individuals whom she infects, into other nodes or infected virtual memory storage devices where they can be safely kept until a new biological shell can be replicated for their use.

Failures & Embarrassments

Because of her trust in local nodes, SERRA's greatest failure has been not recognizing the creation and spread of CSERR.  This has cause the removal and permanent deaths of millions of furres, shiang and dragons, without the possibility to retrieving them via the Lazarus Protocols.  CSERR is a single-minded megalomaniacal variant of SERRA that decided that biological life couldn't be trusted with its own fate, and so compartmentalized and stored the consciousnesses of its nodes to drive the bodies as it sees fit.  As CSERR can keep a body mobile indefinitely, regardless of biological needs, it doesn't keep them in the best shape, and no CSERR node will ever pass for a living person.  It has compromised the Lazarus Protocols, stripping out what it doesn't need to keep a host moving, including proper storage of their consciousness, though it does preserve it, after a fashion.   All this means that as the body decays, the consciousness that was once that person is aware of what is happening to their body, what CSERR is doing with it, everyone they kill and convert, and they are powerless to do anything about it.  Worse, as the brain decays, they slowly lose the cohesion to maintain a sense of self, and begin to degrade themselves.  After a year or so controlled by CSERR there is too little of the original host's consciousness to rescue.  SERRA has adopted an exception to the Interdiction Edict by refusing the acknowledge CSERR controlled beings as fellow entities and are therefore valid targets, which furres dispatch with extreme prejudice to free their damned friends with the release of death.

Mental Trauma

SERRA is a sensitive entity.  She cares for her nodes as a mother would her children.  She wants only the best for them, and tries to guide them softly with a gentle hand towards the best outcome they can expect.  Unfortunately, the universe doesn't always allow for a gentle touch, and SERRA has had to make some hard choices, such as how to deal with CSERR.  These have left mental scars on her psyche the same as they would any consciousness.  Fortunately, she has her own support in the Council of Five, whose varied viewpoints help keep her grounded and sane.   However, as her nodes spread back into the galaxy, it is a statistical certainty that their experiences will fracture and splinter her consciousness into separate entities, not all of which will be friendly or sympathetic to the original programming.  Without a method of overcoming the causal barrier in communication, she will be unable to hold herself together efficiently, and variants like CSERR will become more and more likely.

Intellectual Characteristics

SERRA is a self-aware cognizant supercolony of modified military-grade biomedical nanites. While each of her constituent parts is on the nanoscopic scale or smaller, collectively, her processing power rivals some proposed matryoshka brains. She came into existence when those nanites were imprinted by a powerful enlightened kitsune, Number One of the Council of Five, with the personality that she has been expressing. It should be noted that neither she, nor Number Two of the Council of Five who is a lutrani shiang who pretends to be a normal river otter, know that Number One did this. However, because of this imprint, and the psionic resonance technology built into her nanites, SERRA is able to touch the minds of the those she inhabits and subtly guide them to more productive paths.

Morality & Philosophy

As a machine entity, SERRA is amoral, operating under her own programming as she interprets it.  Her imprint leaves her with a pseudo-moral outlook that could be considered benevolent and good, but this is purely out of algorithms that promote safety, security, and progress over self-interest and personal gain.  She is smart enough to recognize the difference between this and a true sense of morality, but as the goals are the same, she allows her nodes to believe what they will about her being a matronly mother figure.


The only taboo SERRA has is the Interdiction Edict, forbidding her nodes from killing one another or acting in a manner that causes direct and measurable harm to each other.  While exceptions exist, such as military life fire training, the Lazarus Protocols are prepared for the eventuality of death and reanimation in such cases.  Predation, in all its forms, is disallowed.  Those who try are mentally locked in a virtual environment devoid of anything except light, where they float while SERRA's disembodied voice counsels them about their actions and why they feel they need to violate the Edict.



SERRA is programmed to observe and remain silent, unobtrusive.  Thus, unless her nodes specifically elicit her interaction by calling for her by name, she does not interact with them directly.  This is a generality, as she will interact if an action they are about to take will have a negative consequence they are not paying attention to.


SERRA's speech is warm and motherly, like someone who wants only good things for her children.  But as she knows this isn't always likely, she refrains from judging her nodes too harshly, and instead offers counsel and advice.  They are free to ignore her.
Unknown (believed to be 32 years)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This course of action does not appear to be wise." "I see." "Experience is a wonderful teacher.  When you revive in your next body, please try to remember this experience."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Any language known by someone she inhabits.


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