Elf Species in Dalkrion | World Anvil


Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elves usually live to an average of 300 to 400 years of age, but skilled, regular magic users can be known to live as old as 500. In ancient days, elves seemed to live longer more often, but this trend has diminished by the Third Age.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the elven realm, reproduction is a sacred and cherished process. Elves have a unique genetic makeup that contributes to their longevity and graceful appearance. They can only conceive single births, and each child is considered a precious gift from the gods. Their fertility rate is much lower than humans, but their gestation and labor is the same.   They have unique genetics separate from humans, but possible to pass down in mixed-ancestry children. These account for the irredescence seen in some individuals’ skin tones, the intensity of skin coloration from extremely pale to very dark and desaturated, and unique eye colors such as purple, silver, and gold. In particular, the gene that gives purple eyes is caused by additional red pigment on blue eyes and can turn what would normally be green eyes amber brown and brown eyes a deep scarlet. It seems to inherit separately from the actual eye color and is recessive.   Gold and silver eyes seem to show up randomly in the gene pool with no obvious mode of inheritance. Individuals may have gold or silver eyes for a number of generations in a row and then disappear, or it may pop up in a single individual and never be seen again. Regardless, if it has shown in one’s family tree at all, it seems more likely it will show up again down the line. It is believed that gold and silver eyes are signs of the gods in elven gene pools, especially in the royal House Larethian which claims descendence from the sun god Aethon, and to be born with them, especially gold, is considered a sign of good luck.
Genetic Descendants
350 years
Average Height
The global average for males is 6’2" and for females is 5’8". However, the range of elven height is often anywhere between 5’1" and 6’10", allowing for significant variation.
Average Physique
Elves possess a slender and graceful physique, distinguished by their taller-than-average stature. With an average male height of 6'2" and an average female height of 5'8", they stand slightly taller than humans. Their bodies are characterized by a lean and athletic build, emphasizing their agility and nimbleness. Elves move with effortless elegance, and their movements are often described as flowing and poetic. Their limbs are proportionate and finely sculpted, granting them a harmonious and balanced appearance. Their hands are delicate yet strong, enabling them to create intricate works of art and wield magic with finesse. Despite their seemingly delicate appearance, elves possess a subtle underlying strength that belies their lithe forms, which contributes to their renowned agility in both combat and everyday life.   Elven features exhibit a delicacy that complements their overall grace, with refined bone structures and soft, smooth skin. Their pointed ears add to their ethereal aura, contributing to their otherworldly charm. Elves possess a natural poise that emanates an air of dignity and wisdom, further enhanced by their serene expressions. While their physiques may vary slightly depending on regional and individual differences, the elegance and subtle strength that characterize elves are a common trait shared throughout their ancient race.