Tamhold Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Tamhold is a settlement that is built on a peninsula going into the Hammerlake with its central point being a large castle in the style of Dwarvish Hold.  
The castle of the lake is my magnum opus - gathering the master builders, watching the intricate style of the dwarvish hold realize itself right in front of my eyes... When I look outside the windows and see all the birds and beauty that surrounds us it just reminds me of what I fight for.
— Emperor Sandor Havazer


The settlement's Ruler is replaced by the Emperor of Tamwind.   ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE


The major districts of the settlement are the castle, the harbor, and the market district. There's also a large military camp for Soldiers not too far from the settlement, past the cattle and fields.
Founding Date
704 AoC
Alternative Name(s)
Castle of Tamwind
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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