Manvar Rebellion Military Conflict in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Manvar Rebellion

The rebellion to abolish the rule of dwarves inside Elkinhold.  
The Manvars fought to topple the dwarvish rule and their outdated ideals. They fought for equality. Even though it might seem as a minor event, acts like this create a ripple.
— Unknown historian

The Conflict


Although the revolution was organized and carried out primarily inside Elkinhold, many other settlements soon followed suit until it spread from a local, to a nationwide, to a semi-global revolution that changed the hierarchies that followed.


Elkinhold disbanded the law of Dwarvish rulership, and turned from High Dwarf rule to Rulers. The Manvar family became incredibly popular among non-dwarves, especially after the views started spreading into other primarily dwarf nations too.


This disbandment of the High Dwarf position eventually led to the birth of the modern feudal society. This model's the staple of many societies of Dali'en even today.

Historical Significance


The Manvars are forever remembered through this rebellion.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
-4302 AoE
Ending Date
-4103 AoE
Conflict Result
Elkinhold accepted the demands of the rebellion


Elkinhold's Guards
The Rebellion


Over 1000
Over 100, grown into over 2000


Over 500
Over 500


Crush the rebellion
Change the laws of Elkinhold and advance society

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