Jer Tallim Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Jer Tallim (jɛr tɒl:im)

Jer Tallim is a town built spiraling around a cavern pillar, with the Throne of Al Tallim standing at the very top.


The population is mostly religious, so it's not uncommon to see religious disputes between them. The town is filled with Priests, and they often welcome holy figures with gifts.


Deep rooted in the Church of the Leviathans. The Ruler is also the religious leader of the town.


The pillar's foot
Temples, markets, taverns, and guilds are mostly located here. It's the largest districts, and one you enter after the drawbridge.
The spiral
Around the middle of the spiral, mostly residences.
Throne district
The Throne of Al Tallim and the palace is located here.


It is where Throne of Al Tallim was discovered, a structure from before our ages. The structure does not fit the dwarvish designs of the Empire of Dwarovar, so there's was speculation about its origin - and of Al Tallim.   It was also once a central location, and a popular religious destination for those following the Church of the Leviathans; and the capital of Vin Tallim.   There was a brief craze of following The Hunter following the disappearance of Al Tallim.   Over time, especially after the Leviathan Inquisition's takeover the settlement slowly lost relevance until it just became one of many.

Points of interest

The Throne of Al Tallim is the main point of interest in this town. It's also the Eastern End Station of the Dalivarrod.
Founding Date
-4481 AoE
Alternative Name(s)
Old Throne of Tallim
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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