Armors Technology / Science in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Heavy Armor (including Steel) was dicovered by the early Dwarves of our world, which then Medium Armor and Light Armor followed during the integration of Elves into society. The technology itself has mostly stayed the same ever since the Age of Dwarves, with a few exceptions that involved newly discovered, rare metals and minerals.   Cold Iron is used for armor that has to withstand incredibly high heat, and has Resistance to fire.   Platinum armor has a blueish color and it's more durable than full plate armor. It's used for legendary Heavy Armors.   Mithral armor has a silvery-black color that's much ligher than Platinum, but has durability just as powerful. It's used for legendary Medium Armors.   Adamantine is often called the ultimate armor as its surface protects not only against almost all attacks, but also against Magic. It's the most durable and heaviest armor one can have.


Great Smiths can create masterwork armor usually marked with +1, +2, or +3.
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