New Gnome Human Chemist Order.
NEGHUCO means NEw Gnome HUman Chemist Order. As the gnomes are the main participants in this organization they name it.
As the name indicates this order are composed primary by gnomes and humans, but at least has 3 dwarven asociates and one saurian.
The discovery of the lumina resin by Bulric Explorer and the posterior development of his cristalized form; band three benefactors and then the creation of this organization:
As the name indicates this order are composed primary by gnomes and humans, but at least has 3 dwarven asociates and one saurian.
The discovery of the lumina resin by Bulric Explorer and the posterior development of his cristalized form; band three benefactors and then the creation of this organization:
- Grastion Kindom: A conselor forsee great wealth in the lumina material and convice one of the princes to be part of this.
- GGB: At first, the EXGUI (Explorators Guild) try to be a part of this but was very expensive, even with the "help" (a low rate loan) of the Gnome Gold Bank this exceeded the cost/benefit margin allowed, but the bank saw a promissing enterprise then they themselves became partners.
- Church of Earth: As a fortuitous development or, as the church argue, divine intervention; the church became partners. They yield the divine component needed to the cristalization process of the lumina and are crew on the phakhe+. They became an essential part of the oganization.
They believe in explore, research,learn and experiment.
With the success they have with the Lumina material. The organization are more eager to combine more stuff to make new materials or thing.
With the success they have with the Lumina material. The organization are more eager to combine more stuff to make new materials or thing.
Public Agenda
There are two major agendas: the cientific and the political; the first one is about knowledge, know more, disvover more, because knowledge is power; in the other hand, the idea is weath, have unique materias, be the only ones to create, develop and sell this, because money is power.
The organization has two major patrons: Grastion human kingdom and the GGB (Gnome Golden Bank) regarding okan
The other organization is Church of Earth by the dwarves. As race don't have an agenda (yet) conserning this oragnization but the church has a very especial interest in discover more lands and "earth" in the new continent.
The primary assests the organization has are: The castle/school/research building in Grastion port; the offices in the Pertal port and the Phakhe+ as his major advancement un to date.
The other organization is Church of Earth by the dwarves. As race don't have an agenda (yet) conserning this oragnization but the church has a very especial interest in discover more lands and "earth" in the new continent.
The primary assests the organization has are: The castle/school/research building in Grastion port; the offices in the Pertal port and the Phakhe+ as his major advancement un to date.
Don't fear the combinations of materials, yes can explode, but also can be magnificent
Alternative Names
Lumina makers
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