Minothral River Geographic Location in Daimon | World Anvil

Minothral River

The minothral river once was known as the sylvan vein, when the minotaurs defeat the last city of the elven empire, they changed the name to represent the dominance and influence, as a way to demonstrate they are in charge now.


  The River's origin is in Mist Lake , approximately 15 km forms a small cascade that is 2.5 m high. About 120 km later, you will find @Ma, the elven ruins also known as "nevermore". At around 380 km, the river exits the forest and about 10 km north of this point, you will find Exor. Finally, the river passes through a Savanna for the last 24 km before ending up in the Luminesca flow.

Fauna & Flora

Aqualume Serpent:
A bioluminescent serpent that inhabits the depths of the Minothral River. Its scales emit a soft glow, providing an enchanting display of underwater light.
Mystic Willowbloom: These unique willow-like trees line the riverbanks, their leaves possessing calming and healing properties. The petals of the blooms shimmer with a faint magical aura. Once used a lot for the elves now for some clerics that still know about the magical properties.

Natural Resources

The river provides various resources for magic, some of which are now forgotten or prohibited under penalty of death.
The following list have some:
  • Starshard Crystals: Crystals that form in the bottom of the river. They can be used in enchantments and divination.
  • Aetherial Water Droplets: These droplets, collected from the mist rising off the river, can enhance magical potions and provide temporary boosts to magical abilities.
  • Dreamweaver Silk: The magic in the river affects the spiderwebs along the riverbanks, this silk is sought after for its use in creating protective magical garments.
  • Whispering Reed Essence: The reeds along the riverbanks possess the ability to amplify and transmit sounds. Their essence is used in communication devices and magical hearing aids. (prohibited but sold in the black market)
  • Moonshadow Moss: Moss that only grows in the moonlight, collecting and storing the energy of the moon. It is used in various lunar-based spells.
  • Celestial Fish Scales: The scales of certain fish in the river reflect the constellations, making them highly prized for crafting magical objets. (Prohibited for non-divine magic aspects)
  • Ephemeral Fog Pearls: Formed within the mystical river fog, these pearls can reveal hidden truths and are often used in scrying rituals.
  • Chrono-blossom Petals: Blossoms that bloom and wither in sync with the river's magical currents. The petals can be used in time-altering spells and enchantments. (prohibited but sold in the black market, very rare)
Length: 414Km  Width: 150 m
Alternative Name(s)
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