Middle City Settlement in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Middle City

The financial and mercantile center of Bral, the Middle City is home to thousands of Bralians who can afford to live outside the Low City but don’t have the privilege or means to dwell behind the walls of the High City.

Encompassing crowded market streets and quiet neighborhoods of well-kept townhouses, the Middle City is an area whose borders are defined differently by each Bralian. Most people agree that the old wall separating the High City is a good trailing edge boundary for the Middle City, but on the leading edge, no one can say where exactly the Low City stops and the Middle City begins.

The financial and mercantile center of Bral, the Middle City is also home to thousands of Bralians who can afford to move away from the Low City but do not belong in the elite High City. It is more quiet and orderly than the Low City; street brawls are relatively rare here, the taverns are more expensive but somewhat safer, and the shopkeepers and craftsmen are more honest. Despite this, the Middle City is still Bral; anything can happen.

Adventurers wandering through the Middle City will find their progress unimpeded. The streets are crowded but are not choked with masses of people as they are in the Low City. Street peddlers and con men are not found in great numbers here, and the Magistrate's Watch is rarely seen. There are some regions of the city where adventurers are unwelcome, however. The residential blocks trailing the Festival Grounds do not care for bands of ruffians menacing their streets, and often will summon the Magistrate's Watch to remove intruders.
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Articles under Middle City

Elmander's Star Charts
Building / Landmark | Dec 24, 2022

These maps don’t come cheap, each one priced between 300 and 800 gold pieces, but the owner of an Elmandar map can bring it back to the shop at any time for an update at no charge.

Festival Grounds and Arena of Frun
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2022

The Festival Grounds is a broad parkland used for public gatherings on holidays and as a recreation spot at other times.

Gaspar's Reclamations
Building / Landmark | Dec 24, 2022

Gaspar’s Reclamations specializes in recovering magic items, gems, and works of art on behalf of its clients.

Great Market
Building / Landmark | Dec 24, 2022

A chaotic expanse of small vendors, street performers, beggars, orators, merchants, and customers of all descriptions, the Great Market is the hub of the Middle City.

Halfling Guild
Organization | Dec 21, 2022

The Halflings' Guild of Bral is the Theives' Guild in that city least likely to have someone killed, or to steal from the starving.

Mages' Guildhall
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2022

A sturdy three-story tower, the Mages’ Guildhall is the headquarters and meeting place of the Mages' Guild of Bral.

Red Masks Guildhouse
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2022

Fronted by a modest tavern, the Red Masks Guildhouse is located within a series of linked cellars beneath the streets.

Sandyfoot Trading Company
Building / Landmark | Dec 21, 2022

Owned by Meredin Sandyfoot, the Trading Company specializes in Textiles.

The Red Masks
Organization | Dec 20, 2022

The Red Masks are a newer and smaller group within The Rock of Bral. They are a desperate and violent band, fighting for a territory they can claim as their own.

The Sindiath Line
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2022

The Sindiath Line is a charter service that ferries passengers from Bral to destinations throughout Wildspace, including other Wildspace systems.

The Smith's Coster
Building / Landmark | Dec 24, 2022

The largest and most successful merchant company based on the Rock is the Smith’s Coster, which maintains a fleet of trading vessels and several warship escorts.

Valkan's Legion Hall
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2022

A meeting place and mustering point for the members of Valkan's Legion