Deepdelvers Enclave Settlement in D&D Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Deepdelvers Enclave

For more than a century, the ruins of Blackclaw Mountain sat untouched and shut off from the outside world. Then roughly ninety years ago, a team of explorers and adventurers broke through the sealed doors of the mountain and began to explore the ruins, chasms, lairs, tunnels, crypts, caverns, and chambers that lay beyond. A relatively secure resting place was found on a plateau marking one edge of the ruins of Shadowreach—the site of one of the nine towers of the magocracy. There, the explorers founded Deepdelver's Enclave, showing no fear of the alien black metal spires of The Grendleroot rising up within the midst of their settlement.
Since then, successive generations of adventurers have set out to explore the limitless depths of the mountain from this subterranean outpost. For nine decades, Deepdelver’s Enclave has provided a gateway between the lands above and the dark reaches within the mountain. The denizens of the enclave remain cautious of further expansion into the city of Shadowreach, choosing to keep their outpost small and easily defended. But few adventurers dwell there for long, always setting their sights and their imaginations on the darkness beyond the enclave, where lost caverns and the ruins of The Grendleroot remain to be explored.

Five Truths of Deepdelver's Enclave

A Shining Beacon in the Dark

Though they are surrounded by the darkness of the mountain and the threats that lurk within it, the people of Deepdelver’s Enclave engage in continual celebration. They celebrate their lives, their friendships, and their love for the mysteries of the mountain. The great cavern surrounding the enclave often echoes with music and cheer, with the lights of the small outpost shining like a beacon in the dark. Though monsters are sometimes attracted to this light and noise, they soon learn the lessons taught by the crossbow bolts, powerful magic, and sturdy shields wielded by the residents of the enclave.

A Love of Exploration

Residents of Deepdelver’s Enclave live to explore the depths of the mountain and its endless caverns. They are aware of the dangers of Blackclaw, but refuse to let their fears get in the way of their desire to uncover the mysteries of lost chambers, ancient civilizations, and even more ancient creatures. This philosophy fills all the residents of the enclave—including the many children born and raised here. Youngsters in Deepdelver’s Enclave are given much free reign in response to their own wanderlust, and learn at a young age how to face the dangers that lurk in the dark.

Adventure Around Every Corner

Every part of Deepdelver’s Enclave and the surrounding mountain present opportunities for adventure. Mysterious relics, ancient frescoes, and howling rifts descending into the unknown are scattered throughout the caverns of Blackclaw, and the explorers of Deepdelver’s Enclave spend their whole lives uncovering those endless mysteries. Every ruin has a story to tell. Every locked chest contains a mystery to uncover. Adventure lies everywhere.

A Melting Pot of Peaceful Cooperation

Deepdelver’s Enclave has no set laws or organizational hierarchy. Instead, the enclave’s tight-knit population of adventurers, explorers, and merchants of all cultures and races take care of each other, working together to keep threats to their peaceful existence at bay. Merchants hire mercenaries to protect their interests, but those mercenaries are equally quick to protect their patrons’ neighbors, knowing that those neighbors would do the same for them.

Surrounded by Mystery

The black spires of The Grendleroot are a constant reminder of the mysterious power in the mountain’s depths. The coming of The Grendleroot sundered lairs, dens, crypts, temples, and entire cities within the mountain. The spires shattered rock and steel like eggshell, exposing cracks throughout Blackclaw that have since led to even more mysteries. The residents of Deepdelver’s Enclave live with the strange spires all around them, never certain whether The Grendleroot is truly sleeping or if it will awaken once again.


The people of Deepdelver’s Enclave represent explorers of all different origins and backgrounds, and all who travel to the enclave are welcomed equally. This makes the settlement a fine location for characters of nontraditional races, including races from other worlds. While other cities might treat kobolds, goblins, drow, lizardfolk, or duergar with hostility or disdain, the people of the enclave judge everyone on their own merits, treating even the most unusual folk as any other adventurer seeking to explore the mysteries of Blackclaw Mountain.


Deepdelver’s Enclave sits along the edge of a vast cavern, built atop a cliff wall once part of the ruined city of Shadowreach. The ceiling above the cavern rises roughly one hundred feet above the plateau, and is dotted with stalagmites. Huge statues representing the archmages of the Magocracy of the Black Star stand silently in the shadows on the outskirts of the larger cavern, staring out over the ruins below.
The Enclave is lit with everburning lanterns imbued with the power of continual flame spells, giving it a cheerful red glow. A number of natural stone columns split the settlement into separate areas, with most of the main buildings and shops lined up along the enclave’s main thoroughfare. A number of single- or two-story buildings of rough stone sit beyond that main thoroughfare, serving as residences for explorers and their families.
Two switchback paths lead into the enclave—one to the north and one to the southwest—both of which snake their way up from the cavern floor. Both entrances are easily defended and offer a clear view of the paths below—and any vulnerable travelers on them. Guard towers rise alongside each of the entrances where the paths meet the enclave. Though no official guard force is found in the settlement, merchants pay mercenaries to watch over these approaches, with two guards in each tower at any given time.

Locations In The Enclave

  1. The Dragon's Fangs

  2. The Lucky Lute Tavern

  3. The Raven's Claw Inn

  4. Odrah's Library

  5. Everyshady Bazaar

  6. The Drop

  7. The All-Faiths Shrine

  8. Starsong Tower

  9. Mushroom Lake

  10. The Deepfingers


The people of Deepdelver’s Enclave love life, and they celebrate that love often. This section presents a number of the more popular events and celebrations taking place in the enclave.

The Three Sisters and the Chair

This comedy play, presented in the Dragon’s Fangs, tells the story of three sisters trying to outdo each other by finding the perfect chair. Performed by a visiting acting troupe, the Company of Dreams.

The Three Sons

A tragedy performed in the Dragon’s Fangs tells the tale of three sons who die trying to get their mother to love them. Performed by a visiting acting troupe, the Company of Dreams.

Amateur Night

An event hosted by the visiting Purple Plumes Theatrical Band in the Dragon’s Fangs. Events include grayhorn lifting, hammer juggling, and “the howler screech.”

Festival of New Paths

This event sees the folk of the enclave celebrate new successes in their exploration of the ruins and caverns of the mountain.

Ceremony of the Seven

Seven priests of seven gods parade through theenclave, extolling their individual faiths and conducting ceremonies.

New Year’s Celebration

This annual event sees the spellcasters of the enclave put on fantastic displays of magic. Everyone awaits the birth of the New Year grayhorn, which is treated as royalty for the year.

Remembrance of the Spires

Through storytelling and ceremonies, the folk of the enclave memorialize the day the spires of the Grendleroot appeared and tore through the mountain.

Day of Bounty

During this great all-day feast, nearly everyone in Deepdelver’s Enclave brings out their own favorite food or special dish.

Night of the Skulls

In this celebration of the dead, folk dress as absent friends and tell ghost stories.

Feast for the Returned

Whenever a large exploration party returns home victorious to the enclave, a great feast is usually held in celebration.

Festival of Secret Hearts

On this day, potential lovers share their feelings for each other through mediators.

Day of the Black Star

This mocking celebration is dedicated to the fall of the nine archmages of the Magocracy of the Black Star.

Monsters’ Ball

This celebration of the various monsters found in the depths of the mountain sees most folk in the enclave doing their best to dress up as their own favorite monster.

Festival of Music

During this days-long festival, professional and amateur musical performances are presented throughout Deepdelver’s Enclave.

Running of the Grayhorns

This light-hearted festival sees the fat grayhorn goatsof the enclave set free to lazily walk through the settlement while crowds cheer them on. At the end of the day, the grayhorns are found and led back to their pens.

Wee Delver’s Week

This celebration sees the children of the enclave either join their families on low-risk expeditions, or gear up and explore some of the mountain’s safer tunnels themselves.

Whispers to the Old Ones

On this day of quiet reflection, the folk of the enclave speak as few words as possible. When they must speak, they do so in low voices for fear of awakening the Grendleroot in its restless slumber.

Night of the Undermoon

Each year on this night, a great horn is blown that summons a giant luminescent moth from the unknown depths of the mountain. The moth floats over Deepdelver’s Enclave for a time before soaring down the Deepfingers.

Festival of the Arcane

During this celebration of the arcane in the enclave, wizards and sorcerers attempt to outdo one another in dazzling displays of light and sound.

Thieves’ Day

On this day, everyone puts an extra purse on their belt holding candies or a few copper pieces. The children of the enclave then do their best to steal these treasures without being caught. Visitors to the enclave who do not wear this second purse risk losing their actual purse.


Ruins of Grendleroot by Slyflourish on Drivethru RPG

Articles under Deepdelvers Enclave

Adren Goldbrook
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Apothecary Ardulvin
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Evershady Bazaar
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The renovated buildings and shops that make up the enclave’s bazaar and general marketplace appear normal at a distance. But the farther one wanders into the bazaar’s alleyways and stalls, the stranger this area becomes.

Mushroom Lake
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Odrah's Library
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Three huge hollow blocks of stone house the library owned and overseen by Odrah Windvane.

Ruth Willowmane
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Starsong Tower
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The ruined three-story tower stands atop a small rise on the north side of Deepdelver’s Enclave. Carvings of sinister hooded faces decorate the corners of the tower’s square walls.

The All-Faiths Shrine
Building / Landmark | Nov 25, 2022

A ruined circular wall surrounds the enclave’s only standing shrine. Three faceless humanoid statues stand on three sides of the shrine, while a fourth statue spreads before it in pieces.

The Deepfingers
Building / Landmark | Dec 11, 2022

South of Deepdelver’s Enclave, a huge rift in the cavern floor descends thousands of feet into darkness. A scaffold supports an iron cage hanging above the rift, which is controlled by a large, complicated winch.

The Dragon's Fangs
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The Drop
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Descending the Drop is a difficult but not impossible climb. Residents of the enclave are forbidden from leaving ropes and other equipment hanging down the shaft, so as to prevent other creatures from ascending.

The Lucky Lute Tavern
Building / Landmark | Dec 11, 2022

Always a cheerful place, the Lucky Lute is a threestory tavern whose outdoor balconies overlook the hundred-foot drop down the cliff side to the ruins of Shadowreach

The Raven's Claw Inn
Building / Landmark | Dec 11, 2022

The Raven’s Claw Inn is a three-story building built up against a natural stone column that rises one hundred feet to the cavern ceiling above.