Centaur Species in Cytan Cluster | World Anvil


Now, I ain't got anything against 'em as a kind, not really. But... they're bigger than us, and those old clans, Mischrev, dare I say even somma them knights, got it in their heads they're better than us. Well, I they sure ain't smarter than the rest of us, and now we got coal, and locomotives, and I say it, we got guns. Now they're gonna learn, it ain't their world anymore, and if they don't get with us... they're gonna get left behind.
  • Solon m'Callas, Fucharin Yardsman, prior to his arrest for Incitement to Riot.

  • Basic Information


    Characterized by a 'Cytan' (lit. 'typical') upper body, like that of a human or any one of numerous other species, and a quadrupedal lower body like that of an equine, including hooves, fur, and tail. At the bottom of their trunk, the spine passes through a fused waist bone (Most commonly referred to as danmassan, or 'joining bone' in Fuchan) shaped roughly like a notched bow , emerging at a significant. This joint not only protects the spinal cord from damage or pinching but also supports the upper torso while allowing a good degree of mobility. The trunk is almost entirely dedicated to a primary stomach for the digestion of meat and other protein-rich foods, as well as a secondary heart which assists in returning blood flow through the large body, as well as supplying oxygenated blood to the brain. The lower body, meanwhile contains the large and highly efficient multi-chambered lungs, which work in stages to pump air in and out at high rates. The primary heart, majority of the digestive system, and reproductive organs are also all found in the lower body.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Centaur (as one might expect) exhibit a bisexual reproductive system and give birth to live young, typically one at a time, with a very long gestation time of 60+ weeks. The infant is relatively mature for a typical sapient, but unlike a foal, is unable to stand on its own, and relies heavily on its parents/community. They rely on nursing for nutrition, and breasts are present only on the upper body - this can reportedly be more burdensome for the mother than pregnancy itself, although, conveniently, lactaction lasts from early in pregnancy to considerably after the normal time of weaning (and is even possible in non-pregnant women). The infant develops relatively quickly, learning to walk (more or less) within a month or two, with development of basic speech coming around six months, which is also the approximate time of weaning. After this point, however, development considerably slows down, taking approximately 15 years to reach physiological maturity.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Centaur are most prominently associated with savannahs, steppes, and other plain-like biomes, but - as with most sapients - can find their way almost anywhere. Many, but not all, Centaur societies are semi-nomadic, taking advantage of their natural ability to travel (and transport goods) across vast distances.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Centaur are omnivores like almost all Cytan species, and cannot digest rough cellulose. Historically they have foraged for fruits, edible roots, and other similar plant material, travelling to wherever the best pickings are found, but meat also makes up a significant portion of their diet, with their primary prey being medium-large herbivores, such as deer, cattle, goats, or 'ironically', horses. Typically, they hunt by surrounding a rapid pursuit - a small band will flank around a herd and goad it into the main body, who then chase it down. Later, ranged weapons were widely employed, as well as herding. Natural agriculture, where seeds are planted in commonly visited areas, but not tended, is also a common early innovation, and many groups still maintain this lifestyle; of course, it should be noted that in 'modern' times (at least in Dawnrealm), the majority of just about any species live by more 'conventional' methods.

    Additional Information

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Omnipresent (Sapient)

    Average Intelligence

    Comparable to ordinary Cytan species, as far as is empirically testable.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Sensory ability exhibits little deviation from median Cytan abilities.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Due to their strong nomadic, clan-based, traditions, many Centaur-based civilizations use clan-surnames based on location, history, or ideals. This allows centaur to not only identify a stranger's clan, but something of that clan's nature... at least in theory. Nevertheless, they are generally agreed to have been the first to use surnames in Dawnrealm. As they become more settled, and prominent, they began to take on the names of cities or districts as 'clan-names' instead. Given names are far more diverse, with few patterns to speak of.

    Major Organizations

    Centaur comprise the primary power block of many nations in Dawnrealm, particularly in Ryuminaria and Mischrev. Though this has been changing recently, many organizations remain centaur-only in writ or fact... some for good reasons, most not. Centaur are quite often members of traditionalist or primitivist movements, seeing modernity as a threat to their power. Despite their lack of particular affinity with magic and the organization's theoretical openness to all, they are narrowly short of a majority in the Rainbow Colleges. In, Gul, the major centaur polities consist of the scattered clans of the Ionan Savannah, the Cipaxian empire, and the various Lost caravans of Villens.

    Gender Ideals

    Most centaur societies are relatively egalitarian, with both males and females performing all roles. One catch is that, to accommodate this, communal nursing is often practiced.

    Courtship Ideals

    Due to the relatively vulnerability of Centaur infants, and typical strong clan bonds, relationship are often centrally orchestrated. 'Courtship' is expected to take into account the good of the clan and approval of clan leaders. Whether these relationships are seen as temporary or permanent is variable.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Fuchan, Mischrev, , Veldttongue

    Common Dress Code

    Whether or not Centaur wear clothes at all can be... variable, and where present, the nudity taboo may or may not apply to the lower body. In societies dominated by centaur, covering the lower body is more often expected, but not in more multi-species societies, perhaps because others do not see it as obscene. Typical centaur clothing consists of an upper torso garment, or at least a belt, which is attached to a cloak like structure that is pulled over the back and held in place by its own weight. A drape or apron down the front may be included as well, both for decoration and storage. Carrying straps, often with tightened, padded breastforms for women, are a commonplace upper garment, and even 'modern' designs often include suspenders that can be used as a bandoleer. Conversely, clothing for the lower body tends to be simple - large, fairly heavy blanket-like drapes, which can be taken on and off with minimal fuss - due to their body structure, it is difficult, (but not impossible), for centaur to manipulate objects at their rear. Most often, only the front of half of the body is really decorated... but complex arrangements at the back can be a status symbol, indicating the individual has lot of time (and dexterity) to deal with such things... or more likely, someone else to help. Rarely are the legs themselves enveloped, though this can be used where ground hazards, like burrs, snakes, etc, are common. 'Horseshoes', though potentially helpful, are sometimes detested, and sometimes employed in clip on form, potentially accompanied by leg coverings. Most often this is utilitarian, but decorated shoes are not unknown.

    Common Taboos

    Centaur commonly have taboos against touching their legs or backs (well, it's more 'rude' than a taboo, per-se). It's irritating, and they have some difficulty seeing people there.   Another common taboo is against being ridden by others, and this often does rise to the level of an 'unacceptable no matter what' taboo - this is particularly common in areas where relations with other races are tense. The resemblance to a common domestic animal creates an incentive to ensure boundaries are respected no matter what, and no one gets funny ideas. Where relations are warmer this is less important... though it is still generally uncommon.


    Existing across at least two planes, it is impossible to give an adequate summary of two societies with any kind of swiftness, so a grossly inadequate summary must be used.   In Dawnrealm, the centaur dominated the savannahs and grassy highlands of Cataria and beyond, and in many places were among the last to permanently settle. They saw the appeal, however, and very often their speed and power led them to raid towns, or conversely, fight for them. Eventually, the nomadic clans were largely assimilated into civilized nations, if not always urban life. In many cases, they proceeded to predominate high society, serving as the center of fighting forces even as improvements in magic, technology, and organization made their advantages less distinct. This trend has largely continued to the present day, though centaur domination of the upper echelons of society is eroding more and more.   In Gul, Centaur have a significantly less prominent role in society, largely adopting a nomadic-pastorialist society in the steppes and plains of the world, most prominently in the vast eastern Iona Major, the tundra of Cipax, and the rolling hills of Villens. Though traditionally rather independent, the Empire of Eran Trakkat managed to subsume many centaur nations under its rule - but after its fall, the old status quo has largely returned, with the Fist trying (and failing) to push into the rich eastern grasslands, Cipaxians reverting to a nomadic raider-culture. The centaur of Villens are perhaps most integrated, having close relations with the Lostfolk... who themselves are nomadic travelers.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Southern, Highland, Painted, Riverlands, Vaenatal
    75 years
    Average Height
    230 - 300 cm
    Average Weight
    400-600 kg
    Average Length
    250 - 350 cm
    Average Physique
    Variable. For numerous reasons, the majority of which have to do with lack of widespread selective breeding, centaur are significantly smaller than the average domestic horse, and also exhibit far less diversity in morphology, particularly in size. To continue the comparison, they are generally more robust and resilient to injury, but not quite as fast, an acceptable compromise as they are considerably longer lived (not to mention more intelligent).   The upper body is not as physically powerful as the lower, but using the bulk of lower body appropriately, they can accomplish considerable feats. The differences in actual arm strength (measured via grip and other methods) are relatively minor, approximately a 10-20% increase.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Centaur fur tends to be a solid color, some with minor patterning - brown, black, tan/blond, white, and red(ish) are common colors. Hair is similar in coloration, usually matching the tone of the fur, but rarely patterned and very slightly when this does appear. On occasion, hair color may be more exotic.


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