Annurin Ethnicities in Cycles of Infinity | World Anvil

Annurin Ethnicities

Listed below are the various annurin ethnicities, sorted by cycles. This list will appear mostly empty until more subspecies are developed.  

Great Race Cycle

Intermingled with all the other races, the annurin spread out with them into the new, questionably safer world. While the "Gray" annurins are by far the most common, seen virtually everywhere, there is a small set of "White" annurins that have created their own racial kingdom far south. A few of these changed annurins have ventured out into the wider world, but are uncommon at best, and rare in most cases.  

Gray Annurin

By all accounts, this is the traditional annurin. If their arcane gates were not closed, they would be close to the original annurin created by the Embodied Gods in Cycles past.   D&D 5e

Gray Annurin

Ability Score Increase +1 to Int or Cha. Must be different than your base Annurian choice.
Size Medium
Speed +0ft

Arcana Familiarity: You are proficient in the Arcana skill.
Sealed Gates The first time an annurin is dropped to 0 hp from a martial wound since their long rest, and on every death save associated with that drop, the trauma from the wounds has a chance to momentarily open the gate inside them that connects to the arcane fabric of the universe. The player makes a Charisma Check with a DC of 12 + their Proficency Modifier. On a failure, they roll on the Sealed Gates table below:   Opened Spellcasting Gate: While under this effect, you may cast any spell you know without any material components worth less than 300gp and may choose not to use verbal or somatic components. You may also choose to cast these spells without expending a spell slot at the cost of a point of exhaustion. For the duration, you speak and understand all languages, including secret ones, and have Truesight out to 30 feet.   Opened Arcane Gate: While under this effect, you have a sphere of energy around you that grants +2 to your AC and resistance to all damage. You restore 1d4 hit points plus 1 hit point for every 4 levels you have at the end of your turn. For a point of exhaustion, you may teleport as an action up to your movement distance to any point and make an attack with advantage on a target, adding 1d8 radiant damage for every 4 levels you have. For the duration, you speak and understand all languages, including secret ones, and have Truesight out to 30 feet.   Sealed Gates Table: Roll a d10 and consult the chart below:

RollSealed Gate Effect
0-3Nothing happens
4-5You have the briefest glimpse into the underlying structure of the universe but cannot comprehend it.
6-7A feedback bolt strikes out at the nearest hostile target within 30 feet for 1d4 radiant damage. If there are no hostiles, it strikes the closest creature instead.
8Instantly restore 1d4 hit points. If you made a roll on the systems shock table, ignore it.
9A bubble of energy envelops you, vitalizing you. You are returned to 1 hp and ignore all exhaustion conditions you have during the duration of this effect. You become immune to damage until the beginning of your next turn. If you are a spellcaster, you come under the effects of Opened Spellcasting Gate, if you are not, you come under the effects of Opened Arcane Gate. This lasts a number of turns equal to your proficiency modifier or at any point you chose. When it ends, you gain one point of exhaustion.


White Annurin

Annurin supremacist believing that they should be elevated to a higher order above the rest of the mortals. Through a breeding program, they have managed to open the gates within themselves a little more than normal, giving them great access to their powers at the cost of a dangerous volatility.   Physically, they are ice-white in color, almost looking like stone in complexion. They are completely hairless, never even growing thin hair on their heads. While their eyes are still shifting in color, they now glow dimly with raw power, though faintly, not being normally visible except in low light.   D&D 5e

White Annurin

Ability Score Increase +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed +0ft

Pseudo Familiar You have the spell Find Familiar as a racial ability however the familiar summoned has unique properites. This familiar is an extension of you. If it takes damage, you suffer the same amount of damage, though not vic versa. If you are a spell caster, this does not count against your familiar limit, but additional familiar's must be summoned by the spell instead of this ability.
Imbue ArcaneYou have 1 charge a day, gaining another at levels 6, 11, and 16, all recharged with a long rest. You may imbue raw energy into an attack for 1 charge. This attack is considered magical and grants an additional 1d8 damage of an energy type of your choice. If you are an arcane spellcaster, you may use 1 charge to restore a level-1-2 spell slot, 2 charges for a level 3-4 slot, 3 chargest for a level 5-6 slot, and 4 charges for a level 7-slot.

Languages. Regional and Rinnese (Secret Language)



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