Marcus Fulton Character in Cybersmily's Cyberpunk 2020 World | World Anvil

Marcus Fulton


Marcus Fulton has been assigned by ESA and Interpol as the warden of ESA Orbital Penitentiary 6V. He has taken the job and has tried to set himself up comfortably on the station. He gives Marissa Bailey, Captain of the guard, free range, unless the inmate needs protection. Marcus takes bribes to keep some of the inmates from the harsher treatments onboard.

Marcus prefers to remain on the crew deck. However, when there are announcements, he will often go to the tordials to make them. He often cohoarses the inmates in giving him applause at the end of them. Most inmates view him as a stooge and tool for the ESA.

Marcus is the warden on Orbital Penitentiary 6V. He can be likable to some, but will often talk about people behind their backs.

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Character Portrait image: Warden Marcus Fulton