Dryad Armed Forces Military Formation in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Dryad Armed Forces

Branches of the military:

Ancestry Defense Force - Ground based defensive more militia-like military used in defense of Dryad colonies. Generally much less well equipped than the Idris units. A professional core with some professional units, although many rank-and-file troops will be flash conscripted when the need arises.   Idris - Ground based offensive force much more like a professional military and consisting mainly of War Dryads rather than normal ones.  

Space Force:

Navy - Spaceborne military arm employing the Dryads’ bioships to perform in space combat along with also managing their crews.   Navy Cultivators - Military arm by technicality, being responsible for the upbringing and cultivation of bioships as they are grown, and eventually making the needed electromechanical enhancements to them to make them combat ready before transfer to the Navy for operations, although they may return for repairs and maintenance.



Achieves high quality by taking input from frontline troops to some degree and by utilising skilled professionals, in the case of ships being cultivators who have perfected their craft over many generations. Protection is the highest prioritised, with firepower being moderated and mobility usually taking a hit to provide for the other two characteristics.


General purpose - see Dryad Technology




Fighting Doctrine - In terrestrial engagements the ADF relies on defending and suppressing enemies where present, where the Idris focus on blitzkrieg or maneuver type warfare against opponents. Naval tactics revolve around normally crewed ships engaging from mid range while War Dryad crewed ships attempt to close and make boarding actions. To deploy from orbit against an enemy drop pods will be used, and against enemy orbital assaults the ADF is likely to leave seemingly clear landing zones as a trap and a killbox.   Rules of Engagement - Typically uses certain biological warfare types in the sense of bugs or other creatures, while avoiding chemical and especially incendiary or defoliant weapons. Nuclear technologies are utilised, but typically not directly as a weapon, more often being used to power them if anything. Civilian casualties are usually avoided where possible, although dryads are less hesitant to destroy cities and more concerned with preserving things like forests, for obvious reasons.
NB - Operating a navy of bioships is in some ways easier than a mechanical navy, especially given limited self-repair capacity of living matter, but also has drawbacks. Bioships, especially of the older type, need space to roam and collect fuel/reaction mass, translating to a large footprint of systems the Union needs to maintain in order to keep its navy fuelled and provisioned.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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