Julian in Crytures | World Anvil
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Julian is the local lord of Starshire and the de-facto leader of The Viridian Order, a group of hand-picked conjurers that answer directly to Duke Arthur Oakthorne. He specializes in Plant crytures, like most of the Order, as well as Celestial crytures.   Despite his ambitious and arrogant personality, Julian is extremely loyal to his friends and allies, especially Duke Oakthorne, who is one of the few people that he regards as his better.


Julian is highly ambitious, and ultimately seeks to prove himself as a worthy successor to Arthur Oakthorne. He takes great interest in all things regarding mythic crytures, as he hopes to take command of The Verdant King upon the Duke's death or retirement. This attitude has caused Julian to form a one-sided rivalry with the Duke's son, Anton, who he views as a potential threat to his goals.


Julian's main strength is his ability in combat, where he wields scepter and talisman alongside his crytures. He always has several high-level Plant and Celestial crytures at the ready, even if his arms and armor may not be. His choice of equipment focuses on support and control effects, especially Stunning and healing.   In day-to-day life, Julian is a natural leader, and is always looking for ways to improve life in Starshire. He often travels to other towns in order to keep up with advancements in magic and technology that he can bring back to the village. Julian also has a basic knowledge in most scholarly skills, such as healing, history, magic and zoology.


Julian sometimes gets himself in trouble by taking the code of The Viridian Order too literally, especially the "accept any challenge," part. He has left many crying children in his wake who were naive enough to challenge him to a cryture duel because of this attitude. He's also gambled away a lot of money in a vain attempt to meet this standard.   In battle, the greatest threat to Julian comes from Poison crytures, which are effective against both Plant and Celestial crytures. He tends to play a supportive role in combat as well, so he may struggle without a team to support.

Astral Pocket

Open fields, dotted with towering, monolithic trees dominate the landscape of Julian's astral pocket. The canopy of these massive trees seem to merge with the perpetually starry sky. Even when the sun is out, the stars continue to shine through the shadows of the canopy. Everything seems to be a bit bigger than life in Julian's astral realm, including the gleaming tower that he counts as his home. Made from an odd, lustrous stone, this tower practically sparkles in the starlight. Even the interior radiates light, dimming and illuminating based on the exterior light level.


Gender: Male   Age: 27   Profession: Lord of Starshire   Home: Starshire 




Rustalk   Majestowl   Sauribloom   Cosmine

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