Islelamore Settlement in Crystalis | World Anvil
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Islelamore, the beautiful city and seat of the Merrsceran senate, is often coveted by other less wealthy neighbors. The temples and streets of this city have held home to some of the oldest human cultures upon Anatole , giving the city both wonder and importance. Islelamore is home to a variety of races. Most of which come for the colleges or arts, and end up falling in love with the magnificent city and the wondrous countryside. Islelamore has always been considered a city of great enlightenment where the seeking can come to have their questions answers. It is recognized by historians as the first nation to adopt a form of democracy, a system of government that has become popular in Roissaices. A city of great thinkers and great mystery is Islelamore. What more will we uncover about it's ancient past?


Islelamore, like most cities upon Anatole, consists of mostly human residents. Many other races have come to call this city home due to the great amount of trade, access to the Viatorum, and free ports from the city itself.


Islelamore is the capital of Merrscene and seat to their senate. Islelamore relies upon it's own system of government with three chambers: The Assembly, the Courts, and the Archons. Each chamber within the government is home to a different number of seats occupied by elected officials.  
The Senate atop Islelamore


Like most city-states in Merrscne, Islelamore has their own defensive force. This force is primarily composed of the churches of Entaria and to a lesser extent, Romulus, along with general citizens wishing to pursue that lifestyle. Islelamore once had a perimeter wall built during the Yomrish Occupation, but age and lack of upkeep has seen the wall long since fade to a fraction of it's size.

Industry & Trade

Islelamore doesn't have a lot of viable farmland in it's immediate vicinity. Instead, it relies upon trade and supplemented with farms on the edges of their territory. The largest exported good in Islelamore is concerned with the arts: furniture, paintings, pottery, sculptures, etc.


Islelamore was one of the first cities in the world to adopt a centralized sewer and irrigation system. Water pumped from the surrounding areas flows into the city providing fresh water to the public as well as a multitude of fountains before running off into the sea. Atop it's highest hill sets the Senate; a columned, forum style building made from marble and stone. A large avenue and courtyard sits below the senate and branches out into several roads throughout the city. The Senate courtyard contains 4 fountains, one at each cardinal direction, acts as a city center for the Islelamoran people.


Ilselamore is home to a large port. The long coastline was once natural has since been expanded and solidified with stone. This port carries goods to various markets, the most notable of which is the Islelamoran arts, pottery, and literature. Islelamore has always been considered a center of learned men, philosophy and free thought.


Islelamore started as a small coastal community that eventually grew into a bustling city-state terrritory ruled by a central monarch. Before the Yomrish occupation, it was considered one of the most beautiful cities outside of Adu'Sallah. So beautiful in fact, that the leaders of the Yomrish army decided to spare the city instead of sacking it completely. Thanks to this, Ilselamore is home to many ancient temples and buildings the design of which is not seen anywhere else in the world. After the end of the occupation, Islelamore was briefly ruled by a monarch again. After only a single king, the people of Islelamore adopted a new style of government, democracy. At first, people were choosen based upon a lottery-like system, but this was later adapted into a majority vote.


Most of the central buildings, including the temples and senate building are constructed from white marble mined in proximity to the city. This particular white marble, colored by other rich minerals, reflects a myriad of colors in direct sunlight. When the sun sets over the sea to the west, the whole city basks in a a colorful glow emanating from these central structures. Other homes in the area are built mostly from stone and simple wood works. The clay tle roofing of most homes gives them the feel of antiquity in the modern world. The island, Drantorani, located not far from Islelamore's coastline, holds home to colorful displays of stained marble and roves. The wealthy inhabitants of this island are in constant competition to outdo their neighbor and paint their homes the most lavish colors. Dantorani has become a resort spot for the wealthy internationally.  
Island of Drantorani
Santorini by Guido Borelli


Islelamore is a coastal city that settles upon a steep hill leading down into the sea below. The rolling hills of Islelamore hide the city from sight until travelers round the final turn on the roads leading to town. The hills of the city are dotted with homes both simple and lavish. Outside of the city, the hills are home to a variety of low growing trees, shrubs, and fauna.  
Coastline of Islelamore
Greek landcape featuring Odyseuss and Nausica by Heinrich Gaertner

Natural Resources

Marble, limestone, and other industrial stones are found in abundance in the region. Their coastlines have both tall, over hanging cliffs and small beaches that lend to the beauty of the natural landscape. In the hills beyond the city, an assortment of farm animals can be found both wild and domesticated. While wild game such as deer and foxes are not native the the area, the abundance of goats and sheep more than make up for this. The few small rivers and streams host a variety of edible fish. The land itself is not suitable for farming, though a few smaller cities outside of Islelamore's territory have been succussful in growing hardy crops.
Alternative Name(s)
Seat of Merrscene
Roughly 200,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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