Fort Kander Settlement in Cruul | World Anvil

Fort Kander

Fort Kander is a small military outpost that serves as an early defense against Dunder and the Crugarren hoards of the west. The military base rarely sees any action and those who serve there find little action or entertainment in the surrounding small Kander towns and farms. Nothing exciting ever seems to happen in Fort Kander and no Gashen blooded soldier ever wants to station there. The soil is poor and the people there are poorer.  

Local Guilds.

  • Rangers of Power (Notable member, Benjamin Henry).
  • The Stone Farmers.
  • The Candle of Kander.

Local Dangers.

  Bugbears rarely venture close enough to Fort Kander to be a problem, normally seeing the Kander Keep as an imposing danger large enough to keep them at bay. Bugbear attacks however do happen time to time causing great concern to the people of Fort Kander.  

Noted History.

Fort Kander is the birthplace of Holy Saint Peter Henry and Sir Benjamin Henry.


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