Khystu - Divine Spell in Crossed Energies World | World Anvil

Khystu - Divine (Khee s'too)

Basic Spells and Books

There are many different Pantheons for different Species and planets, and many artifacts of varying power; known and unknown, found and yet undiscovered.

Spellbinders of this realm gain their Spells from a deity and channeled to them by a sacred symbol or artifact. Cyclic rituals must be performed in order for Divine spells to continue to work.

Spell Books
Spell books come from various religious, sacred, agnostic, tomes, compendiums, scriptures, testaments and guides for those who are interested in channeling in wielding power from the deities.
The sciences and Khystu are sometimes at odds, but neither can explain how or why the other works.

Khystu [Divine]

The power is received from deities.
The SpellBinder uses rituals, spoken, meditated and/or physical, to channel the spell they want to cast.
SpellBinders usually learn these methods through some type of an organization, be it religious or otherwise.

Khystu Text used for Spells


  • ArcheType: Benevolence & Envy
  • Attributes: Grace & Presence
These determine the numbers of Spells available, and Realm Resistance.

Spell Specialty Skills

  • Research: ...explain what these spells are and do...
  • Enhancement: ...explain what these spells are and do...
Spell Specialty Skills give the SpellBinder increased proficiency in these areas of spell casting.


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