The Winter Wolf Myth in Crimson Rise | World Anvil

The Winter Wolf

What childhood stories are people still afraid of as adults in your world?
  The Winter Wolf is a story told to children mostly in Rangaru. As the country has extremely harsh winters, especially in the south, it is forbidden for most people to leave their homes during this time. Children, however, seek adventure and will often disobey rules and see what they can get away with. As the blistering cold of winter wasn't enough to keep them from sneaking out at night, a story formed to frighten them into doing so.
  The Winter Wolf prowls the lands when winter falls and the snow is thickest. It can smell the blood of a living person from miles away, and always comes running, appearing out of the icy fog and devouring whoever it catches. There is no escaping it, for it moves silently and blends in with the snow. Sometimes, however, a paw print, or some fine hair, or scratch marks on a tree, reveal that it has recently been to the area.
  Some versions of this story portray the wolf as a demonic or undead beast, with rotting flesh, black eyes, and walking on two feet while it howls into the sky. Wolves are common enough in Rangaru, and do often come out during winter while the people are away, so howling in the distance is a common sound to hear. This, along with the 'signs' of its presence, are often enough to convince children that he is real. However, there are many beasts people would consider mythical that lurk in the wilderness, and many still believe in this tale as adults. Entire villages will claim to have had experienced with the winter wolf. Children lose sleep at night fearing it will come into the house.


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