C.m.wescott Author's page | World Anvil



Chris Wescott | Member Since 18 Aug, 2018
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I am a fantasy novelist, and have been working on a world for 14-15 years now. My inspirations come from many sources including Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, Terry Pratchet, even anime to some degree.   I enjoy writing my world with a hard magic system. It allows me to focus on the theme of power, which is one of the focus points in all of my novels. There are characters that can erase a whole mountain range with a spell, and that opens a great opportunity to explore the world of the humble and the powerful, seeing how they co-exist and what it is like for a mortal man to live in such a world.   As of writing this I am yet to publish a novel properly, although I am currently working on the 5th draft of the first in my series.