The Blessed Curse in Crevice | World Anvil
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The Blessed Curse

I watched as she opened her eyes for the first time in a month. The swelling vanished instantly and she was breathing normally as well. Even the healer looked in awe as the others in the room started to sit up and even stand. After only a few minutes, there was no sign of the disease on any of the patients or my wife. I cried at seeing this miracle of life and the blessing the Cynosure must have brought us.
  This was the birth of Androlin Vergus, the first Pureborn. Pureborn are a race of their own, but born to other races. They take most of the traits of the parent race, but will have some unusual features. As this child is born a miracle happens that has a significant impact on the city. An incurable and deadly disease called Corinth Syndrome was completely eradicated leaving all those with it healed and no one would ever have it again. This is a dual birth though. As this Pureborn is coming into the world, a Demon is also coming into the world.  
It started with the falling of fruit, first a few, then more...then all of it. Several farmers were struck and ran for cover, but then the branches started to fall. I watched in horror as entire trees shriveled up and dropped to the ground. In minutes the entire farm had died.
  This is the birth of Talos Stonebeam, a demon born to the world at the same moment as Androlin. The birth of Talos would bring about a famine as it would kill every farm in the city. The Famine would last for 30 years and force the city to regrow all of the hydrofarms.       The Great Lake Mist:The Crumbling Mines Divine Revelation:The Flood End of the Serpentine War:Cursed Magic :Lost Vision The Great Hatching:Reversing Magic The Vanishing Plague: The Great Famine


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