The Saltfall Geographic Location in Creus | World Anvil
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The Saltfall

Isolde pushed some powder off of the deck with a boot. "Saltfall? Who gave this place its name?" She held her hand up to catch a falling mote and held it to her tongue before spitting. "Tastes like ash to me."   Riadh folded her arms. "I'll make note to ask the Cartographers next time we're docked at the Capital."   "No, lets not twist their underclothes. I suppose if you're looking at it from a distance you could think it's ash." She held a spyglass to her eye. Ahead of the Skyhawk was open ocean, but a massive column of steam and smoke was rising a mile off. The water near the base of the column was boiling, and all around motes and specks of ejecta were landing on her ship and in the sea. "Corvi, how warm is the water we're in right now?"   Her first mate tossed a bucket on a line overboard and drew it in. The bucket was warm to the touch; he dipped a hand in and winced. "Uncomfortable, hot enough to not want to bathe in. The floating ash doesn't help."   "And here I thought maybe we could harvest salt. Did nobody figure out that this was just a volcano?" Isolde sighed. "Well, take whatever measurements we need to keep the Academy happy and lets get out of here before we start cooking."


Saltfall is the name of what is likely a volcanic seamount in the Feryll Sea, significantly southwest of Saibh. The volcano is assumed, because the location spews hot steam and ash into the air constantly, producing a column of ash visible for miles around. The column blows typically eastward, resulting in volcanic ash and evaporated salt constantly raining down on a roughly circular area ten miles wide east of the mount itself.   The volcano heats the sea around it, making sailing near the location uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.

Fauna & Flora

The heat of the volcano has attracted unique forms of sea life that prefer the perpetually warm waters, but the heat degrades the seaworthiness of power-sails that sail into the warm waters for long periods.

Natural Resources

'Saltfall' is a misnomer; the ejecta that rains from the smoke column is mostly ash. Volcanic ash can be of some value to alchemists, but there are other more convenient sources.

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