The Righteous Organization in Cresteria | World Anvil
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The Righteous


The smuggling ring and rebel movement  is organised into two main bodies.  The first is the smuggling ring.  This is a collection of elite ship crews, spies, assassins, rogues and agents.  Their responsibility is to gather weapons to supply the rebel wing of the organisation and gather intelligence for attacks.  They are lead by the Spy Master General.   The Rebel wing is the armed freedom fighting/terrorist cell, responsible for taking the fight to the enemy.  The enemies may include Kennerheim officials, military installations, loyalists or even civilians that are against them.   They are lead by the Insurgent General.

Public Agenda

The Dictator of our Nation Kennerheim, Tordus Dulgrim, is corrupt and tyrannical.  He has complete control of the Island, and has done dealings with the diabolical Confederacy.  The Righteous fight against this regime, and liberate our glorious nation.     Arbeiter! Bauren! Nehmt die Gewehre! Nehmt die Gewehre zu hand!     Their aim is to spread revolution and topple the regime.  They also actively seek to fight the Confederacy.  They often arm and aid adventurers and other organisations, sometimes covertly providing information to the Grand Maritime Alliance and other allies.


The organisation has many captains and fast ships, including the Century Hawk under Wilhelm Von Steinheld. Their black market provides funds, with large scale covert networks and infromants.


They began as a terror and rebel organisation, quickly expanding to become a formidable fighting force, essentially another pirate organisation, with extensive spy networks, smuggling rings and their own black market. Some famous operations include  Restkeeper prison break (31 PR)

To Struggle, to Strive, to Strike.

Founding Date
8 PR
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Anti-Kennerheim Smuggling ring/rebels
Notable Members

Acting in direct opposition

The Righteous appose the action of Kennerheim at every opportunity seeking to end the Rule of Tordus Dulgrim


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Sep 19, 2022 23:29

Pretty cool, I feel this is very underrated