DEPARTED - Prince Isaiah Smith and Founding Elder Character in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil

DEPARTED - Prince Isaiah Smith and Founding Elder

Former Prince Isaiah Smith

Isaiah Smith was the leader of the Coterie we now know as the Five Founding Elders. Once arriving where he planned to build his great city, Isaiah declared Praxis and promptly began investing and developing his new stronghold. Isaiah made immense progress from the time he arrived in 1823 until he succumbed to Torpor in 1938. There are various different rumors as to whether the Prince truly fell into Torpor or not. There are also rumors regarding where the Prince may have hidden away to protect himself while in Torpor. Some believe he is still hidden away somewhere deep beneath the City.

Current Location
Unknown - Torpor
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Biography Info:
Maintained Praxis: 1823 to 1938
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements

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