Alti Calendar in Credoth | World Anvil
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Alti Calendar

The primary calendar used throughout Credoth was developed by the Altinum culture. The calendar itself appears to be tied to the lunar cycles of both Lune and Celene.  


The calendar is organized into 12 months, with each month lasting 28 days. Each month is the same length as a complete lunar cycle for Lune, with the last day of each month being a full moon. The end of each calendar year are defined by the second new moon of Celene. During this new moon the sun sets and does not rise again for 39 hours, when it rises on the morning of the first day of the new year.  


  1. Winterwane
  2. Firstflow
  3. Blossomtide
  4. Lowsun
  5. Highsun
  6. Firewane
  7. Goldleaf
  8. Redfall
  9. Harrowing
  10. Whitewind
  11. Deepsnow
  12. Fellnight


While their is no definitive proof of this, the monthly holidays Market Day and Last Day are said to have also been apart of the original calendar. Many believe it was the invention by early and cunning Otwin traders who invented the holidays to trick Castran, who were trying to perfectly replicate the Altinum, into buying more goods. On the other hand, the Feast of Last Light and Celebration of First Light have definable roots in all three of the precursor cultures.  

Market Day

This monthly holiday occurs on the 14th of every month during Lune's new moon. The day supposedly represents new beginnings and it is said to be good luck to begin new projects and deals. Sometimes referred to as 'Half Day', the people use this halfway point in the month as a time for common folks to relax from their normal day to day lives while merchants display and sell some of their best stock. Meanwhile Lords, Kings, and other politicians use these days as a time to begin collaboration on treaties, trade deals, and other political dealings that will come to fruition on the Last Day of the month. There are also 5 themed market days that are celebrated in different regions across the world.      

Last Day

The 28th of every month is marked as 'Last Day' and is defined by being Lune's full moon and the final day of each calendar month. Lune can be seen in the sky even during the day on the 28th. Supposedly Lune's full moon blesses everyone with good luck and good fortune. Many people set goals for themselves to try to reach in the next month, believing that it will increase their odds of successfully completing these goals. Important treaties and trade deals are often finalized and signed hoping the good luck brought from Lune will help extend there duration and benefits. For this reason 'Last Day' or 'Final Day' are when many various celebrations and festivals occur. Their are 4 major celebrations that take place on Last day throughout Credoth:      

Feast of Last Light

This festival occurs on 27th day of the last month of the year. On this day the sun sets for the last time of the year. The sun does not rise on the 28th and will not rise again until the 1st day of the new year. While it is typically called a Feast on most calendars, its actual celebration varies from culture to culture, and the name is instead derived from the belief that the gods hold a grand feast on this day. During this time magic becomes significantly weaker, and many less powerful spell casters lose the ability to use their magic completely.  

Celebration of First Light

This celebration runs in parallel to the Feast of Last Light, and marks the end of the 'long night', and celebrates both the coming of the new year and the return of sunlight to Credoth. Due to there being various beliefs about the causes of the long night, the celebration involved vary from culture to culture. The day is often filled with festivals and celebrations, as well as various superstitious traditions meant to help prepare people for the new year. The days also marks the return of magic, after it was dampened during the long night.    

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