High Elf (Elenesti) Species in Creacia | World Anvil

High Elf (Elenesti)


The Elenesti are the fairest and tallest of all the Elves, with pale, almost translucent skin, light, straight hair, very slim forms, and highly angular features. They claim to be the closest to the “pureblood” Aeonesti (Ancient Elves), evidenced in both their anatomy and their arrogance. High Elves rarely smile or laugh as do the Wood Elves, and their mostly pale blue eyes are almost perpetually narrowed in suspicious cunning. They are very particular about their clothing, making sure that it is of the highest quality and hand-embroidered only by Elves into beautiful and intricate patterns of silver or gold against blues and greys. Although they seem delicate and even fragile compared to the sturdier peoples of Creacia, they possess an inner strength and intelligence that they carry with a haughty, self-assured elegance.


High Elves live almost exclusively in the rarefied air of high mountain citadels, full of curving towers, delicate flying buttresses, and seemingly impossible bridges. Their ancestral home is the tower city of Elendrien, considered one of the architectural wonders of the world as it soars high in the Crescents of western Daenor. The Elenesti have a deep love of waterfalls and often build their cities around or even inside them; but unlike the Wood Elves, who seamlessly blend their architecture with the surrounding forest, the High Elves create massive, soaring works of art that dominate even the mountains and waterfalls they build upon. When traveling, High Elves usually prefer the company only of their kin, but occasionally deign to adventure with the limdur (“lesser species”) if it is within their interests.


See Daenor


The Elenesti have a highly stratified society with one king, or elion, who rules from Elendrien. Below the elion is a rigid aristocracy, with nobles, or kelion, ruling other settlements outside Daenor, such as Illythyra, perched high above the Hycin Sea. Below the aristocracy is a strictly regimented meritocracy hinged on magical abilities and controlled through a complex and lifelong system of tests.


Aeonesti (Common Elven), Elenesti (High Elven), Centerlands Common - Eovoresh, Fey (25%).

Player Characters

  • +3 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -1 Strength
  • Low light vision up to 120 feet
  • Traits as listed by Pathfinder
Elves (Aeonesti)
600-1000 years, mature at about 100 years
Average Height
5.5-6.5 feet
Average Weight
80-180 lbs.
Belaion Eth' sedial, Transmuter of Elendrien
Melariel Soth' tadori, Priestess of Desna in Illythyra


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