Azyr Settlement in Creacia | World Anvil


Reflecting Deepvale's militaristic nature, Azyr is more of a massive, sprawling fortress than a city as it juts from the rocky, barren plains at the center of Deepvale and at the crossroads of Kalax Road and Gorum Road.


Azyr is the capital city of Deepvale and the center of governance for the long reach of the Azure Wizards. While the Nine Archmages mainly stay in the Obsalix to the northwest on the Cowl, the Archmage Lothlin Verna rules with an iron fist through the Thrall Lords, Magi under the Nine who control the thousands of enchanted Thralls which make up the slave work force of the mines and the forges.


Known for its enormous, Soulvein-fired Forges, Azyr is an industrial city at its core, producing the finest and most sought-after metalworks outside the Khads of the Mountain Dwarves. The Forges are located at the heart of Darksteel Keep, the dark stone fortress that dominates the center of Azyr. The rest of the city is laid out in utilitarian grid patterns radiating out from the Keep, with the Thralls kept in huge, long barracks that form a ring wall around the Citizen's Quarters.

54% Human, 16% Goblin, 10% Half-Orc, 8% Gear Gnome, 4% Mountain Dwarf, 3% Giantkin, 5% varies

Inhabitant Demonym


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