Ghost Condition in Crafting New Lives | World Anvil


If someone has this condition, they have died and used up their natural respawns.   It is unknown what keeps spirits from continuing into their afterlife to the point where their spirit lingers on the material plane.   From those who have become ghosts and have been resurrected, they report having been in their Limbo-General  that entire time.   Ghosts themselves seem to be echoes of the spirit when it was alive. Each ghost is different from its original spirit in ways either physical, mental, and/or emotional; there does not seem to be one method of differentiation across all ghosts from their original spirit.   Perhaps a spirit's Limbo-General is containment, and a ghost is their echo into the material planes. Supporting evidence of this might be the fact that, generally speaking, ghosts do not retain important memories from life. From those who have been resurrected, they do not retain any memories from when they were a ghost, beyond faint recollections.


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