Call to Flame Tradition / Ritual in Crafting New Lives | World Anvil

Call to Flame

The coming-of-age ceremony in the Nether is referred to as "calling embers to flame", or answering the "call to flame."   The ceremony itself involves the clan's most prominent figurehead reaching out to the young netherborn, simply to talk about life, about ideals, about any goals they have. If the youth is acting more aflame with passion and initiative, the figurehead will ask the youth if they feel like embers anymore. Typically, the answer is a strong statement of "flames", with a glint in their eyes that would answer the question just as wholly. The figurehead and the youth then agree on that topic and arrange a more public ceremony to announce this change.   This ceremony is not standardized to a specific age or qualifications. They vary from clan to clan, but ultimately boil down to the same concepts:
  • Call the young ember to the center of the clan
  • stoke their flame of passion, engage them on their thoughts and ideals and goals and honor
  • let them demonstrate their knowledge and ability in a grand display (for them), and light a torch
  • celebrate for a few days (where possible)
  The ceremony is a large communal affair, quickly devolving after the torch flame is officially lit into a festival of passionate expression. Dancing is a staple of these variable ceremonies, drawing in the newborn flame to mingle with others in a display of strength, dexterity, and endurance. Once the flame is done dancing, the hunt for the feast begins, aided or led by the new flame. Their meal secured, they aid in its preparation and, by this point, are ready to recharge from the exuberant displays. This recharge is just as important for the new flame, and their elders will emphasize this consistently.   One of the most famous calls to flame was recorded by Alexander Farrowbone, recalling what he could of the experience, the emotions, and how it shaped him in his autobiography.
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