Shadowpack Character in Covenant | World Anvil


Alef Lusus (a.k.a. Shadowpack)

Alef is a resistance affiliated superhero who operates out of Terminal City. She is the current leader of The Darksiders, and acts as an ad-hoc mentor to several junior super teams such as the Cognitive Dissidents.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Alef transforms into a huge black wolf, the Alpha, the size of a horse and the strength of a bear. Firearms have seemingly no effect on her, but she is vulnerable to fire and energy attacks. As a wolf, she is surrounded by the pack of smaller wolves whose bodies are featureless black shadows, but have shining yellow eyes and fangs. The wolves attack from, and retreat into, shadows. Foes which gain the Shadowpack's ire have been seen dragged into the shadows, taken to parts unknown. While they are individually weak and there is a seemingly endless number of them. With each extra wolf, though, both the Alpha and the individual wolves grow slightly weaker.

Mental characteristics


Alef is a doctoral student at Terminal City University during the day. Her masters thesis was on the predominance of shadow creatures in the pantheons and totems of the indigenous populace of the Rustbucket area.

Personality Characteristics


Her activities seem to involve mentoring young superheroes, with her end goal being to recruit new heroes to the resistance. While she is clear on her goal, she does not place conditions on her mentorship and puts the health and safety of what she refers to as 'her cubs' first. She constantly impressed upon them the need to maintain their secret identities, even amongst each other, and certainly between super groups. This is for their own protection, so that one if captured the others are not compromised. Alef strongly believes that a better future can be built by these teams.

Likes & Dislikes

Oddly enough, Shadowpack is very fond of cats and they like her too.

Virtues & Personality perks

Shadowpack is a natural leader and inspires trust in her team.


Shadowpack has been known to smell like a wolf even after transforming.

Wealth & Financial state

Alef scrapes by on financial assistance from her PhD program, living a tiny off campus apartment with roommates who never see her.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Masters in Cultural Anthopology from TCU
Year of Birth
18 AE 23 Years old
Green tending towards yellow, kind
Long straight black hair, wild and unbound
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tawny Beige
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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