Sylvester von Valeskeep Character in Cotidiana | World Anvil
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Sylvester von Valeskeep

Sylvester von Valeskeep

Medium Wood Elf, Major (Military), Lawful Good

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 53hp
Speed: 35 ft Climb: 35 ft


( +3 )


( +1 )


( +1 )


( +1 )


( -1 )


( +2 )

Saving Throws
  • STR: +5
  • DEX: +3
  • CON: +3
  • INT: +3
  • WIS: +4
  • CHA: +7
Skills Proficient in Athletics, History, Perception, Persuasion, and Religion.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Disease, Sleep
Darkvision: 60 ft.
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge Rating ?
Proficiency Bonus +3



Sylvester von Valeskeep is the son of Lord Tyron currently fighting on the warfront out East as a Major in the king's army. Unlike his father and many others, he feels very passionately about the war, wishing to do what he can to minimize casualties on his side, but still willing to take up arms. He and his father have become estranged, for reasons that have not yet been revealed. Unfortunately, because of his father, he is frequently too quick to accuse people of hidden motives and tends to be fairly blunt with his suspicions. He also developed an affinity for climbing as a child and has become very skilled at it as a result.


Despite Tyron's perception of him, Sylvester tends to err strongly on the side of caution. He has high impulse-control with an excessive sense of responsibility, and, as a result, he frequently suffers from anxiety. He speaks in a soft, but direct tone and has thicker skin than his father does.


Justice. "What little good there is in this world is worth protecting, and I shall guard it with my life if I must."


Tyron von Valeskeep, the warfront


Paranoia. "Do you think me so unwise as to fall for such an obvious ruse?"

1/day: Turn the Unholy. As an action, you can censure fiends and undead. Each fiend or undead that can see or hear you within 30 ft. must make a WIS saving thow (DC 13). On failure, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

    • Protection from Evil and Good. (Concentration, up to 10 minutes) Protects the target from abberations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of these types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature. If the target already is, they have advantage on any new saving throw against that effect.
    • Sanctuary. (1 minute) A creature is warded from attack. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13). On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn't protect the warded creature from area effects. If the warded creature makes an attack, casts a spell that affects an enemy, or deals damage to another creature, this spell ends.
    • Lesser Smite. If Sylvester makes a sucuccessful attack this turn, it deals an additional 2d8 2d8 radiant damage, and an additional 1d8 against undead or fiends.
    • Lesser Restoration. Sylvester can touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
    • Greater Smite. If Sylvester makes a sucuccessful attack this turn, it deals an additional 3d8 3d8 radiant damage, and an additional 1d8 against undead or fiends.
    • Zone of Truth. Range/Area 60 ft./15 ft. Duration 10 minutes. Creates a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of Sylvester's choosing within range. Until the spell ends, a creature that enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 13). On a failed save, a creature can't speak a deliberate lie while in the radius, and Sylvester learns who succeeds and who fails.
  1. Divine Sense. As an action, he can detect good and evil. Until the end of his next turn, he can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location and creature type of any celestial, fiend, and undead within 60ft. that is not behind total cover.

Special Abilities

  • Aura of Protection. While conscious, all friendly creatures (including Sylvester himself) within 10ft of him are granted a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
  • Aura of Devotion. While conscious, creatures within 10 ft. (including Sylvester himself) can't be charmed.
  • Mask of the Wild. Slyvester can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured.


  • Multiattack. If he so desires, Sylvester may make two attacks as his action.
    • Morningstar. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d8+3 (1d8+3) piercing damage
    • Unarmed Strike. Melee attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage

Bonus Action

  Sanctuary can be cast as a Bonus Action


Protection. While wielding a shield, and a creature Sylvester can see attacks a target other than him within 5 ft., he can use his reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.


Sylvester von Valeskeep

Son (Trivial)

Towards Tyron von Valeskeep



Tyron von Valeskeep

Father (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Alden Allié

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Alden Allié



Relationship Reasoning

The two hardly interact, but Alden holds Sylvester in high regard (but daren't show it in front of Tyron). Sylvester distrusts Alden because of his position, but also worries that Alden is aiming for Tyron's position.

Dolion River

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Dolion River



Relationship Reasoning

Dolion finds Sylvester irritating, and Sylvester thinks Dolion is the scum of the Earth, and they're pretty open about their hatred of each other.

Aisley Allié

Friend (Important)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Friend (Important)

Towards Aisley Allié



Relationship Reasoning

Both of them have a mutual respect for the work of the other. While Aisley does believe that Slyvester should be working more against his father than he is, she still finds him to be an honorable man and speaks highly of him. Sylvester has a great appreciation for her work, which hinders Tyron's greed-driven efforts. Although he will, at some point, have to bring the hammer of the law down upon her, she is aware of this, and their goals are aligned in the meantime.

Lucia Lederer

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Lucia Lederer



Relationship Reasoning

Sylvester and Lucia haven't interacted much. She thinks he's nice enough, but not really someone worth worrying about. Despite this, he seems to hold her in high regard. There are rumors that he fancies her; however, if he does, he has yet to make a move.

Vulcan Lederer

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Vulcan Lederer



Relationship Reasoning

Sylvester thinks Vulcan is a coward, Vulcan thinks Sylvester is an honorable man because he's a soldier doing his duty.

Alexander Greer

Brother in Arms (Vital)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Brother in Arms (Vital)

Towards Alexander Greer



Relationship Reasoning

Before Sylvester joined the army, the two men served as guardsmen together. They've trained together, fought together, and watched together. The two have an almost absolute trust in each other and one's intense desire for justice is comparable only to the other's.

Sylvester von Valeskeep

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Calvin Cobbs



Calvin Cobbs

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Relationship Reasoning

While Sylvester doesn't share Alexander's arachnophobia, he still finds Calvin obnoxious.

Chelsea Greer

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Sylvester von Valeskeep



Sylvester von Valeskeep

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Chelsea Greer



Relationship Reasoning

Sylvester thinks Chelsea is freaky, she thinks he's a dumbass.


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