Gem Golem Military Formation in Corvayn | World Anvil

Gem Golem

"Illusion magic used to be fun. Now it hits you in the head. That's less fun."
- Orc bandit
  Historically, Gem Golems were found wandering the ill defined space between the planes of fire and earth. Today, the common adventurer is likely to stumble across a Gem Golem protecting a Gemmed Cove, a lab Jewelcrafters use to further the capabilities of their profession. The Gem Cutters Guild is a rigidly hierarchical society, and so are the gem golems that they employ to defend their assets. These golems resemble their elemental brethren but are more magically gifted, using a bevy of illusion magic and psionics to defeat it's opponents. Below is a list, in descending order of power, of the variants Gem Golems may take. Each type of material a golem is created out of reflects the difficulty in creating the golem as well as the importance of the hoard it guards. Each variant has unique capabilities.   Amethyst Golem
Amethyst Golems are the most psionically gifted variants the guild has created. They are able to manipulate gravity, allowing them to float despite their size. Large amethyst crystals are flung at intruders which explode on impact, coating any in the area with hundreds of razor sharp shards.
Sapphire Golem
Sapphire Golems are the most martially endowed of the variants and are especially dangerous in groups. Although they are the least gifted spellcasters and psionics, they bolster all other psionic creatures' abilities in the area. Sapphire Golems focus more on punishing intruders than spotting them, using concussive psionic blasts to disorient opponents before crushing them. These force waves grow much more potent if even one more Sapphire Golem is in the area.
Emerald Golems
Emerald Golems wield the strongest illusion magics and depend upon their ability to confuse enemies. Emerald Golems radiate a vibrant green light that disorients and flusters opponents, lowering their ability scores in combat. It can become invisible at will as well and strike opponents without warning. An expanded illusion spell list makes an Emerald Golem's enemies doubt what is real and what is not.
Moonstone Golems
A favorite of Carter Geary, Moonstone Golems evoke their Fey ancestry with mischievous abilities to make intruders abandon their hiding places and, at times, their nefarious goals altogether. Using their psionic abilities, Moonstone Golems will lull intruders to sleep. Those hoping to sneak past Moonstone Golems may find themselves caught by irrepressible laughter or the insatiable need to dance. If that fails, radiant energy is blasted in long sweeping arcs from the golem.
Topaz Golem
Topaz Golems exude an aura of weakness, sapping the strength of intruders who come too close. Once weakened, the golem will quickly find and dispatch the intruders who find themselves unable to flea or defend themselves. Spellcasters are particularly vulnerable to this class of golem since a Topaz Golem can cancel any spell that requires concentration or lasts longer than 1 second.
Crystal Golem
Crystal Golems are forged in the light of the sun or combined lights of the stars and the moon. A Crystal Golem will blind intruders with violent blast of pure white light. If it suspects an intruder is using invisibility or is sneaking in the shadows, it will blast an area with radiant energy that outlines any creature in that area with white light, giving of dim light 10 feet around it, making stealth impossible. Once intruders are spotted then blinded, the golem will blast them with beams of radiant energy.



Gem Golems are similar to their elemental counterparts in that they are extremely sturdy. Their weaponry consists mostly of the appendages that the specific golem has been given upon creation. Unlike other golem variants, Gem Golems have an innate psionic ability. Illusion magic comes natural to these creatures, allowing Gem Golems to create images to fool their prey. The various gem variants will endow the golem with an assortment of weaponry specific to that variant as well.


Gem Golems will use their psionic abilities to trick combatants into compromised positions. A flight of stairs may actually be a cliff. An exit may look like solid wall. Once a target is sufficiently bamboozled, the golem will smash it with its very real arms. Gem Golems also have the ability to appear and disappear, walking through shadows and mist as if they were doorways. It is often hard to tell where the golem is and harder to predict where it will be next. The material the Gem Golem is made of will also lend it peculiar abilities which it will use to defend the Gemmed Cove or hoard it has been assigned to defend.

Cover image: Crystal Golem by Thiago Almeida


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