Garment District Settlement in Coriander Society Adventures | World Anvil

Garment District

This neighborhood is a mix of light-industrial businesses (including the clothiers who gave the district its name) and working/middle-class housing.

Points of interest

The Essex Hotel looks like any other fleabag joint from the outside. But the guy at the desk, Phinney, can get anything for you—forged papers, a gat with the serial numbers filed off, and cash for those jewels you “inherited.” Phinney does this effortlessly and with an attention to detail that would make the concierges at Newton’s fanciest hotels jealous. What his customers don’t see is Phinney’s network of contacts that reaches almost everywhere, and his ability to use money to open any door.   The most recent tenant of the Essex Hotel is Carmichael & Carmichael, a private detective agency. The titular detective has made a number of big solves for big clients in the past couple of months, though thus far nobody’s seen more than one Carmichael at a time.
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