Scarlet Band Military Formation in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Scarlet Band

A group of mercenary cavalry built around a core of former Alyite sisters who were kicked out of the Order for malfeasance. They are led by a southerner, former Alyite Captain Sherya Chol. She leads approximately thirty troopers, about half of whom are former Alyites, the rest are ex-Zalarites, former bandits or defectors from other mercenary bands. The troop is well-armed and armored. They flaunt Alyite Scarlet cloaks, but otherwise dress as they please. The Band stays clear of the Alyite Order, which detests them, and takes contracts with merchants needing protection and minor nobles needing to supplement their military forces.



Nineteen of the band's current members are former Alyites, typically those expelled for some infraction or have deserted. The remainder are ex-bandits, former Zalarites or women who have let other mercenary bands.


The group is outfitted as medium cavalry, typically wearing three quarters plate or mail and riding trained warhorses. Group members use spears, composite bows , long swords or maces and medium sized shields.


Due the bands small size the structure is simple with a commander, a lieutenant and two sergeants.


Typically they will shower enemy formations with arrows to breakdown their cohesion and then will charge them with lances.
Overall training Level


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