Mejara Surra Radda Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Mejara Surra Radda

Mejera Surra Radda

This slender blond woman is an accomplished sorceress and keen tactician. The daughter of a successful mercenary captain, Mejera intended to enter her father's business, but it soon became clear she would never develop the size and strength need to be a warrior. As a result her father had her trained as a wizard. By her late teens Mejara was riding with her father mercenary band. When her father died in battle Mejera continued as a mercenary in the conflicts around the shores of the Windy Sea. Eventually she was employed by Arranda the Huntress, the famous pirate hunter. Feeling strong mutual attraction resulted in a romantic relationship and eventually a marriage. Together, the two women have built a household and a family on Stone Island. The couple has adopted several children orphaned by pirate attacks.   A sorceress who took up mercenary work as a youth. She eventually found her way onto the command of Arranda the Huntress as one of several spell-casters signed on by the pirate hunter. She soon started a romantic relationship with Arranda. After two years they married at the Temple of Meleth in Karmis. They began to build a family together adopting children that had been orphaned by pirate attacks.

Physical Description

Body Features

Mejera is slender, fit and with fair skin and an attractive figure.

Facial Features

Mejera has blue eyes and elegant features.

Special abilities

Mejera is a powerful wizard with a great deal of combat experience.

Apparel & Accessories

When at sea Mejera typically wears a simple tunic and close fitting breeches under a warm water-proof cloak. When at home she favors well-cut dresses that show her figure to advantage.

Specialized Equipment

Mejera carries a large dagger in her belt and has a pair concealed in her boot tops. She also carries a wand of lighting bolts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Living in Karmis as a child she received a basic education, at age eleven she began to study magic. At age seventeen she felt skilled and ready enough to join her father's mercenary band. She spend the next three years fighting in the wars on the eastern side of the Windy Sea. After seeing her father die in battle she took service with Arranda the Huntress, who she would eventually marry and start a family with. Now she spends the colder months with her family on Stone Island and spends the warmer months hunting down pirates along the Windy Sea.

Gender Identity





Mejera became a mercenary in her late teenage years, using her magic to support her father's mercenary company. Later she joined the crew of professional pirate hunters Captained by Arranda the Huntress.

Mental Trauma

Seeing her father cut down in battle.

Personality Characteristics


Originally a mercenary, Mejera found purpose as a pirate hunter. She is sure of the justice and importance of her mission.

Wealth & Financial state

Mejera has built a decent future with her share of prize money and bounties accumulated by the sea company she serves with. With her wife Arranda, she owns a strongly built compound on Stone Island.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Stone Island
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5', 3"

Mejara Surra Radda

Wizard (School of Abjuration) 8 Class & Level
Soldier Background
Corgerian Race
Neutral Good Alignment

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
constitution 16
intelligence 17
wisdom 10
charisma 16
Total Hit Dice 8
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+3 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics
+0 Animal Handling
+6 Arcana
+3 Athletics
+3 Deception
+3 History
+0 Insight
+6 Intimidation
+6 Investigation
+0 Medicine
+3 Nature
+0 Perception
+3 Performance
+3 Persuasion
+3 Religion
+3 Sleight of Hands
+3 Stealth
+0 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Staff of Striking +3To Hit +6To Damage 1-6+3Versitile 1-8+3Has Special Ability to due additional damage
Dagger +1To Hit +7To Damage 1-4+4
Athletics, Intimidation, Vehicles (Land), Arcana, Investigation, Dagger, Darts, Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow
Spell Save DC | 8+3+3=14 | Spell Attack Modifier | 3+3=6 |
Cantrips (4) Shocking Grasp, Blade Ward, Mending, Light | First Level (4) Mage Armor, Shield, Burning Hands, Charm | Second Level (3) Web, Scorching Ray, Invisibility | Third Level (3) Glyph of Warding, Dispel Magic counter Spell, Fourth Level (2) Fire Shield, Banishment
Bracers of Defense +2, Gloves of Missile Snaring, Staff of Striking, Dagger +1
Arcane Ward, Projected Ward
Features & Traits

Heroes Enabled


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