Guardians of Rivka Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Guardians of Rivka

The Guardians are a relatively new organization brought into being by its Charismatic leader, Ardora Bellin Corso. Concerned about violence against Danite communities she began to seek out like minded individuals to form a small band of skilled warriors and mages to could rapidly move to protect threatened Danite communities. Over the last few years they have intervened to stop progroms, bring murders to justice and rescue kidnap victims. The group had become revered and widely supported among the Danite communities of the north and the Spine.


This is a small group with ten permanent members although it can often mobilize additional volunteers within the Danite community.

Public Agenda

To protect Danite communities from oppression, attack and harassment.


The group is quietly subsidized by Danite communities throughout the north.

To Defend Out People


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