Barony of Ules Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Barony of Ules

This is one of the three northernmost baronies of the Kingdom of Wallen. The Barony was carved out about a hundred years ago from tribal lands of the Great North Wood. Situated along the West Bank of the River Tayos, the Barony is a long put comparatively narrow strip of territory. The Barony is centered on the fortified town of Ules, which is the Baronial Seat. The Barony also includes a number of villages and hamlets. The Barony is a center of the growing Cult of the Living Idol. The cult has a temple complex in the Barony and is in the process of building two more temples.


The Barony occupies portions of the Great Northwood west of the Tayos River.


The countryside is almost wholly under the influence of the Cult of Xeros, followers of other faiths have become increasingly secretive. Over the last several decades priests, priestesses and witches of competing faiths have quietly disappeared. Those that have survived did so by fleeing the region.

Agriculture & Industry

The regions most important export is forest products, both lumber and tannins. Food crops are almost all meant for local needs, but their is also considerable dairy farming. The cheese and hides are major products for export, the region is also well known for its cider.

Trade & Transport

The Barony uses the Tayos River for the transportation of bulk cargos by barge. There is also a ferry across the Tayos at connecting Zelkar's Ferry with Kerros en Tayos in the neighboring Baorny of Asador. The county has a network of wagon roads centered on the town of Ules. These roads are dirt, but generally well-drained and provided with sturdy wooden bridges built to support heavy wagons.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
Forest products, leather, iron goods, cider.
Legislative Body
Baronial Council
Judicial Body
Baronial Council
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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