Corexus The Elvenwood Accords are signed

The Elvenwood Accords are signed

Political event


The event which marked the end of centuries of unending conflict and bloodshed, and brought the nations of Western Ea together into harmony...

A call for peace after nearly an eon of unending warfare and death, The Elvenwood Accords was, and still is, a contract that was penned up and signed by all the Nations of Western Ea...binding them to an entire Era of peace and prosperity, they were brought into ratification and realization through the Actions of the Forest Elves and their valiant Erlking, who penned the contract even after the death of his wife occured before his eyes at the gathering of leaders he had called for.   Slain by those who would refute peace, The queen of the forest elves was laid low, but her sacrifice was not in vain. The Erlking, along with the Lich-King of the undead nation of Venau and the Patriarch of the Inhuman Coalition, sounded the call for peace and gathered the other world leaders into peace beneath the umbrella of The Elvenwood Accords.   Enforced by supernatural forces, the contract stands to this day as a force for peace and goodness in the lands of western Ea.

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