Terrorpaw Pack in Corexus | World Anvil

Terrorpaw Pack

The Fearmongering Tyrants of the Wulven People

Pack Description

  The fearmongering, dark-furred Wulven of the East, the Terrorpaw pack is a pack that lives their lives by the adage of "Fear". They believe that Fear is the greatest and basest of all emotions, and to feel fear is to receive validation from one's own body that the foe or thing you now face is truly worthy of being fought or faced. The Terrorpaw thus embrace their fear wholeheartedly as something to be confronted, conquered, and rejoiced in...for to feel it is proof you are alive, and that you face worthy foes. Even if what you fear cannot be fought as you are, it can still be a call to action to improve yourself so that in time you may revisit the object of your fear and conquer it. Vivacious, loud, and obsessed with fear, the Terrorpaw are often what outsiders think of when they think of Wulven. They are boisterous, loud, and often butt into social situations like brutish rhinos...and while they love nothing more than inspiring fear in their foes and their allies alike, they do so so that they may help them face that fear, to overcome it with their willpower and become all the better and more alive for it. Somewhat generously coined as "Adrenaline Junkies", Terrorpaw are rarely found in the same place for long...and as a result, their villages are unique in that they often move often, and rapidly. Terrorpaw are thus both simultaneously loved and reviled by those they meet, for they intrude and barge into where they are not welcome, laughing and roaring all the way in a good-natured attempt to help others live as bright of lives as they themselves do. They are also infamously known to be a favorite race of Tamamo-no-mae, the Kitsune Queen who rules The Eastern Imperium as its goddess...said to love the Terrorpaw so much for their kindness and purity of spirit that lets them act so boisterously yet fight so bravely in pursuit of pulsing adrenaline and fear that she blessed them with her own sorcerous power. As a result, Terrorpaw are often close friends and lovers of Kitsune, and sometimes even grow tails as Kitsune do...  

Pack Mechanics

Pack Trait: When a creature is hit by your claw or bite natural attacks, they must make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2HD + CHAMOD) or become shaken for 1d3 rounds. A creature, once they fail their save once, cannot be affected again for 24 hours. You may choose to not use this power on a successful hit.   Masters of fear themselves, the Terrorpaw intrinsically understand the inner workings of sentient minds and how to cause fear in even the most resistant and fear-immune creatures on Ea...all they need to do is maw and claw, and they can expertly unnerve their foes.

Alternate Pack Traits:

We can smell your fear: Gain the scent ability out to 300ft, but only against creatures that are shaken, frightened, panicked, or have taken a fear effect or a demoralize effect in the last hour. Replaces Hunter’s Nose.   Though many consider it just a popular Terrorpaw saying, the Wulven of the Terrorpaw pack have noses innately tuned to detect the smells and pheromones released by creatures as they become fearful...and are capable of detecting such things from hundreds of feet away.
No running! Face your fear head on!: Any enemy within 60ft of you that would otherwise be forced to flee or restricted from moving towards a certain target due to a fear effect, being frightened, or panicked or a similar effect cannot flee if they were being forced to flee, and must instead move towards you with all possible haste and fight you for as long as the effect would last. If they would be unable to move towards a certain target, they still cannot do so, but can also move towards you at double movement for no additional cost, and are made aware of this. Replaces We Fight! We Drink! We Learn!   Widely considered to be simple brutes and annoying adrenaline junkies, the Terrorpaw Wulven are highly skilled orators...when it comes to combat, and persuading their foes to face their fears. So magnetic are they that even when their foes are wracked with fear and terror, they often choose to charge and fight them rather than choose to flee.
Through fear we are truly alive: You are no longer immune to the shaken condition, but whenever you are under the effects of a fear effect or the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition, you may both move towards the target who cast the effect on you at double movement speed for free, and can never be forced to flee a fight due to a fear effect or above mentioned condition. Any creatures you inflict a fear effect on or make shaken, frightened, or panicked automatically get affected by a charm person spell with no saving throw. Modifies Larger than life and replaces Last of the Primordials.   To the Terrorpaw who consider the beating excitement of adrenaline pumping through their veins a joy like none other, and who consider the split second "Fight or Flight" response proof they are fighting a worthy foe, the normal Wulven resistance to fear isn't present in them. Instead, becoming afraid is only liable to make a Terrorpaw howl in glee and rapidly charge the target of their fear like thundering rhinos.
Knowledge is terror: Gain an extra skill rank per level, and gain a knowledge skill as well as Intimidate as class skills. Replaces Nature Primordials.   Not an often remembered aspect of Terrorpaw culture, the Terrorpaw emphasis on knowledge and understanding a large part of why they are so oddly effective at speaking and persuading their foes, and why they are so capable of frightening all manner of creatures. They learn and study so that they may better understand why creatures can feel fear, why some creatures are immune, and how the mind truly processes fear...all these things may be used for their pursuit of adrenaline or terror, but nonetheless make some Terrorpaw quite the scholars.

Pack Feats:

We can taste your fear:   Prerequisites: "We can smell your fear" Alternate Trait, Character level 4th   Effect: Gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls against targets that "We can smell your fear" grants you scent against.   Yet another fact of Terrorpaw culture considered to be a joking turn of phrase, the Terrorpaw can indeed taste the fear of those who are afraid...and they imbibe such raw, delicious emotion to fuel their mighty strikes and hit all the harder against the fearful.
Anchoring Fearmonger:   Prerequisites: "No running! Face your fear head on!" Alternate Trait, Character level 10th   Effect: All creatures within 60ft of you that are afflicted by a shaken, panicked, or frightened fear state must make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + CHAMOD) each round they remain with 60ft of you on their turn or act as if affected by a Dimensional Anchor spell.   A not very well understood aspect of the Terrorpaw, some among them exhibit a unique ability to truly keep their prey from running in the face of their fears...such that all foes they make experience fear and terror can even become dimensionally locked and prevented from escape through magic.
Piercing Terror:   Prerequisites: Character level 8th   Effect: A number of times per day equal to (1 + CHAMOD, Minimum 1) you may treat any creature as being not immune to fear, panicked, frightened, or similar states for the purposes of one check or effect. This bypasses any and all immunities.   Thanks to their study of minds and how fear truly operates, some Terrorpaw become capable of teaching even those normally immune to fear what it truly means to be afraid…
Tamamo’s Favorites:   Prerequisites: Character level 4th   Effect: Gain two Kitsune tails as per the Kitsune Tail Chart, Gaining the appropriate powers but not the drawbacks. If you have 6 or more tails, you gain 1 instead.   As the only prominent Wulven pack to live and thrive in the Eastern Imperium, the Terrorpaw Wulven are widely beloved by Kitsune and especially Tamamo herself for being high quality mates, excellent fighters, and wonderfully, delightfully pure spirits who always speak their mind...and for Tamamo and her Kitsune who live most of their lives in an unending political game, such honesty is refreshing to them.


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