Stone-Warped Racial Feats in Corexus | World Anvil

Stone-Warped Racial Feats

Didact's Faithful Child:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, Character Level 5th   Effects: Once a day when you reach 0 hp, you can attempt a fortitude save (DC 10 + The damage amount you were reduced past 0). If you succeed, you stay at 1hp.   The stone-warped venerate the mysterious, valiant Minor God, known to others as ‘The Didact’ and to the stone-warped as ‘The Stonefather’. In the stories, tales, and myths passed down through their culture, they speak of how he was the first to lead them, to treasure them and command them as he would his own children...of how he was the first, and only, being to truly love the stone-warped even despite all their horrible deformities. The stone-warped who venerate him even now, after all this time, still have his blessing upon them and find it harder to fall in battle.
Didact's Mournful Child:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, Character Level 5th   Effects: Once a day, you may reflect a mind-affecting spell back upon the one who cast it as an immediate action. You must be conscious and aware to use this ability. If the caster is immune to mind-affecting effects, or is outside of your line of sight, they have a 50% miss chance against the spell.   The Didact, or, as the stone-warped know him, ‘The Stonefather’, is venerated in stone-warped society as their first and only patron...yet, they also speak of him as dead...or, at the very least, as incapable of returning to the material plane again. Regardless of the version of the tale, some stone-warped mourn their patron deity each hour of the day, their deformed bodies soothed and protected by his valiant touch, shielding them from harmful effects and letting them redirect them back upon the caster.
Didact's Praetorian Guard:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, Character Level 7th, Must have either the 'Didact's Faithful Child' or 'Didact's Mournful Child' racial feats   Effects: You may make two additional attacks of opportunity per round identical to the effects of the combat reflexes feat. These stack with any gained from other sources. You may treat any armor or shield you wear as having armor spikes, and deal an extra damage die when using them. When using the demoralize combat action, you may frighten your foe instead of shaking them if you exceed the DC by 10 or more.   In the oldest of stone-warped tales, they speak of The Didact as leading them personally into battle, commanding them personally as he lead them by the millions against their enemies, finding worth in an otherwise discarded race where all others had abandoned them as trash. The stories, if they are to be believed, speak of the most terrifying force the world had ever seen, a tide of stone and steel that trampled all who dared stand against it...and among those ranks were a select handful of stone-warped, personally selected by the Didact as his personal guard. These Stone-warped passed on their highly deadly combat effectiveness to their children, and their grandchildren, and even today, remnants of their martial prowess still remain, allowing their descendants to fight as their ancestors did, their armor growing ephemeral spikes and long, flowing purple capes to complement their ferocious natures.
Didact's Honored Legatus:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, Character level 7th, Must have either the 'Didact's Faithful Child' or 'Didact's Mournful Child' racial feats   Effects: You gain a racial +4 on initiative, may always act in the surprise round when one exists, and, as a free action 3/day, grant an ally within 30ft the ability to roll twice for initiative and choose the result.   In the same tales which spoke of his honored guard, there is also mention of the Didact’s treasured generals, his highly capable commanders, his Legatii who he relied upon to direct the unending tide of stone and steel which he so deftly commanded with the prowess only a god could reach. These commanders passed on their knowledge down through the ages until the current day...and their children react as fast as lightning, and find themselves capable of inspiring their allies to do the same.
Didact's Pontifex:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, At least 1 Level of a divine spellcasting class, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain one of the following domains as a cleric of your level: War, Community, Glory, or Liberation.   Though most all stone-warped worship him as their patron deity, there are none more pious nor zealous in their faith as the descendants of the Didact’s former Pontifexes, his priests which carried his standard into battle and preached his name across the land. These stone-warped which pursue divine casting find themselves empowered with additional domains, taken from their god’s personal list of domains.
Legio XV Tempestus Divinitatus:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, Character Level 9th, Must have either the 'Didact's Faithful Child' or 'Didact's Mournful Child' racial feats, Must have either the 'Didact's Praetorian Guard' or 'Didact's Honored Legatus' racial feats   Effects: You may treat any and all weapons you wield, including natural attacks, as having either the 'Shocking Burst' or 'Holy' weapon enchantments. Only one may be active on a given weapon at a time, and activating, deactivating, or switching them is a move action.   Though today they only speak the name without the understanding of what it meant, the stone-warped of today occasionally find amongst their kind absolute paragons of power, honor, and justice. Though they know it not, these stone-warped are the last dregs of the Didact’s personal legion...before he ascended to godhood. Though none know his origins, he was said to command the fifteenth legion amongst his people, a legion which, after many long, arduous campaigns in which they proved their worth many times over, was given the title ‘Tempestus Divinitatus’, or, as it is known in the language of the Didact’s former kin, ‘Divine Tempest’. His legion was legendary for their prowess, and their descendants who inherit this power find themselves capable of enhancing their weapons at but a twitch.
Scion of the World Anvil:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, 'Ruined Caretaker' alternate racial trait or 'Well-Oiled Machine' Alternate Racial trait, Character level 6th   Effects: Gain One of the following as bonus languages: (Abyssal, Infernal, Aklo, Celestial, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Auran). Your character is always treated as friendly by creatures who speak that language as their native tongue. Additionally, Gain the following effects based on the language you chose. You may not choose a language you already have unless you already have all of the languages, whereupon you still gain the effects as normal but do not learn the languages.  
  • Abyssal: Gain acid, cold, and fire resistance 5. Treat your CHA score as 4 points higher for dealing with, making deals with, or talking to Demons or Daemons.
  • Infernal: See perfectly in all kinds of darkness, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
  • Aklo: Gain telepathy(100ft). However, in addition, your voice becomes synonymous with eldritch insanity and any time you speak aloud, all creatures within 50ft of you must make a will save (DC = 10 + CHA modifier + 1/2 HD) or be affected by a Confusion effect, as per the spell, for 1d3 rounds. Any creature affected thusly, whether or not they make the save, cannot be affected more than once in 24 hours.
  • Celestial: A righteous aura surrounds you when you fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of you must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects(DC = 10 + CHA modifier + 1/2 HD). Treat your CHA score as 2 points higher than normal for this DC. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by your aura for 24 hours.
  • Ignan: Can infuse any weapon you are wielding with fire for a total of rounds a day equal to your CON modifier. This fire adds an additional 1d6 damage to the weapon, and grows to 2d6 at 10th level.
  • Aquan: Can infuse any weapon you are wielding with cold for a total of rounds a day equal to your CON modifier. This icy cold adds an additional 1d6 damage to the weapon. Additionally, you can instead use these rounds to grant yourself a Waterwalking or Waterbreathing effect for those rounds instead. You are treated as having the Jet(100ft) universal monster ability in water.
  • Terran: Gain a burrow speed equal to your base land speed. Gain Sonic OR Acid resistance 5.
  • Auran: Can infuse any weapon you are wielding with lightning for a total of rounds a day equal to your CON modifier. This electricity adds an additional 1d6 damage to the weapon. Additionally, you can instead use these rounds to grant yourself a feather fall effect for those rounds instead.
  The world anvil was the the first and eternal act of hubris the high humans ever dared to commit, dwarfing even the legendary terror that they wrought with the creation of the Etherion Cannon...though none live who remember its true nature, some stone-warped emerge from the underground and enter their kind’s society who speak languages of the outer planes, and demonstrate a myriad of effects which all seem to hearken back to their odd natures, and how their learned their chosen language. Counting themselves amongst the allies of the race(s) who speak their additional language, they have been known to speak of the mightiest angels, demons, elementals, and even eldritch beings from the realms between the stars as they might a close friend...
Nemean Shifting Matrix:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, 'Nemean-Warped' alternate racial trait, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain Disguise self as an at-will spell-like ability   Carrying odd, still-active technologies powered by arcane sigils and glyphs within their malformed exteriors, some stone-warped are able to use their powerful metal bodies as if it were quicksilver, using it to change their appearances like magic and hide their normally very recognizable forms. Whether this is due to actual magic or some sort of property of their quicksilver-like bodies is unknown, but to the stone-warped, being able to change their appearances is the greatest treasure they could hope for.
Stone-Sense:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, 'Stonecunning' alternate racial trait, Character level 4th   Effects: Gain Tremorsense 60ft   Special: You can take this feat more than once. For every additional time it is taken, you gain +10ft of tremorsense.   Being so completely connected to stone as to be made of it partially, some stone-warped emerge who simply claim to ‘see through stone’ if the very stone is willing to act as their eyes no matter the situation.
Arcane Conduction Engine:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, 'Ancient Arcanum' alternate racial trait, Must not possess 'Divine Conduction Engine' feat, Character level 8th   Effects: Lose SR, but a number of times per day equal to your CON modifier, any creature within 60ft of you that attempts to cast an arcane spell must make a caster level check (DC = 10 + 1/2 CON modifier + 1/2 HD) or be automatically counterspelled. You may turn this ability on and off as a swift action, but may not designate between friend or foe unless you expend two uses of the ability for the day.   Amongst those rare Stone-warped who carry remnants of magic power, arcane sigils, circles, glyphs, and other etchins all over them, there rarely emerges one who seems to be the natural conclusion of such a stone-warped, taken to the extreme. Each carries within them a whirling, churning magitech conduction engine at their core, a mass of pure, solid mana around which spin several concentric spirals, never pausing or tiring in its arcane function. Though there are two types of such engines, one of them is able to tap into that engine that slumbers inside of them like a magical dragon to snuff out the very magic of their foes, the engines within them churning and roiling with arcane might and reaching across space to cut an opponent's magic off at the source.
Divine Conduction Engine:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human, 'Ancient Arcanum' alternate racial trait, Must not possess 'Arcane Conduction Engine' feat, Character level 8th   Effects: Lose SR, but a number of times per day equal to your CON modifier, any creature within 60ft of you that attempts to cast a divine spell must make a caster level check (DC = 10 + 1/2 CON modifier + 1/2 HD) or be automatically counterspelled. You may turn this ability on and off as a swift action, but may not designate between friend or foe unless you expend two uses of the ability for the day.   Amongst those rare Stone-warped who carry remnants of magic power, arcane sigils, circles, glyphs, and other etchins all over them, there rarely emerges one who seems to be the natural conclusion of such a stone-warped, taken to the extreme. Each carries within them a whirling, churning magitech conduction engine at their core, a mass of pure, solid mana around which spin several concentric spirals, never pausing or tiring in its arcane function. Though there are two types of such engines, one of them is able to tap into that engine that slumbers inside of them like a gift from the gods above, the engine within them burning with pure divine might and acting out at their command to, quite literally, sever a foes’ connection to their deity itself and halt their magic in its tracks like a divine counterspell.
The Magitech Collective:   Prerequisites: Stone-Warped Human or High Human Race, Character level 5th   Effects: So long as any number of Stone-Warped, High-Human, and some Constructs with this feat are within 200ft + 10ft/level equal to your CON modifier, you gain telepathy with them, the ability to cast Detect Thoughts at will on them, and the ability to see, hear, and feel through their senses. If they are within 100ft of you, you know their rough location. Within 50ft, you know a precise location. However, any who have this feat may use the same abilities on you so long as you so remain connected to the collective.   Special: You must make a will save (DC 15 + 2/every applicable member within range) to shut yourself off from the collective, but can only do so for a number of rounds equal to your CON score every day. Re-entering the collective is a free action, but to leave it again provokes another will save and is a move action.   Though those of today can only hope to guess at the purpose, several scholars, mages, and other casters have discovered that some stone-warped seem to have be connected to some vast, unseeable network that links them to others of their kin...and, in some rare cases, the automatons and golems that patrol the halls of high human ruins linked to them by a means beyond magic. Even the odd human has been known to have a connection to this link, claiming that they can see, feel, and sense through it as if it were their own, to feel and read the thoughts of those nearby within this ‘collective’. These beings, regardless of race, possess a bond not even the most capable of mages can fathom, acting as one and in unison, even when opposing each other.


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