Dragonborn Alternate Racial Traits in Corexus | World Anvil

Dragonborn Alternate Racial Traits

Inherited Greed: +4 to Appraise Checks on all Magical and Non-Magical items; Replaces Draconic bloodline/heritage.   Some Dragonborn have the infamous greed of their ancestors pumping through their veins more powerfully than others...they are known for starting hoards of their own as best they can, and become more innately capable of discerning the worth of an item at a mere glance.
Bellowing Dragon: Three times a day as a standard action, can let out a terrifying roar and make an intimidate check against all foes within 60ft and who care capable of hearing the roar. If you succeed a DC(10 + 3/4the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier), the foes are shaken. If you succeed by 15 or more, they are frightened. This effect cannot stack multiple times at once, and cannot progress further(Shaken cannot become frighten with two roars, etc.) This ability replaces Breath Weapon.   Rare is the Dragonborn who is born without the breath of their ancestors...and even rarer still is a Dragonborn brought into the world gifted with the mighty bellows of its ancestors, capable of roaring mightily into the sky rather than spit the element of their origin, these Dragonborn are capable of striking fear into the hearts of many, as even the most hardy and valiant of warriors will undoubtedly flinch when they hear a dragon approaching.
Scales of a True Dragon: Gain SR equal to 8 + HD, replaces Draconic Resistance and Draconic Affinity.   On occasion, some Dragonborn are born with the scales of their draconic ancestry, the ultimate defense of the true dragons which were feared for turning even the mightiest of magic back upon their foes. These Dragonborn are rare, but the gift of the scales is one that frequently lifts such beings up to leadership roles in their villages and tribes.
Immortal Spark: Once a day, may cast lesser age resistance on themselves; replaces draconic resistance   A relic of the immortality and purity of spirit the true dragons of old possessed, many Dragonborn carry within them a spark of just such a spirit, their lives granted extra time upon the mortal plane as they become capable of staving off the effects of time upon their body. With already very long natural life spans, these Dragonborn slowly lose their hostility and paranoia in their later years, becoming more wise, sagacious, and sage-like.
Blood Memories: Gain racial +6 to knowledge history and religion, one is always a class skill for you; replaces Draconic Bloodline/Heritage   Another relic of the famed True Draconic Immortality, some Dragonborn are said to carry within their blood the memories and experiences of their ancestors. They frequently take the role of historians, sages, and teachers for their people and, rarely, outsiders as well.
Hatred Overcome: You double all aid another bonuses you give to all humanoid creatures. 3/day, you may treat all natural 1's that result on a healing effect of your creation or casting that is direction towards a humanoid creature as 3's. Replaces A Legacy of Hatred.   Though the hatred that burns within the Dragonborn rages like a furious sun, it is not uncommon for one amongst them to rise above the hatred of their ancestors, the true dragons, and form their own opinions and thoughts about Humans and other races. These Dragonborn set out to help and meet those they once thought as enemies, and often travel in their quest to do so.
Draconic Tail: You gain a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tails, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. Replaces Draconic Affinity.   Rather than find themselves with an inkling for magic, some Dragonborn instead find themselves with thick, powerful tails that resemble the tails of their True Dragon ancestors.
Vestigial Draconic Wings: You gain wings that do not provide the lift required for actual flight, but do have enough power to aid flight attained by some other method, and grant a +4 racial bonus on Fly checks. 1/day, you may cast Feather Fall on yourself. Replaces Draconic Resistance.   Though not powerful enough for actual flight, some Dragonborn find themselves sprouting vestigial wings that beat with leathery might, and find them incredibly helpful with flying attained with other means or controlling a fall.
Brand of Tiamat: By halving the damage and lowering the DC by 2, you may select another type of Damage to deal with your breath weapon when you use it, though the Shape and Save of it remains unaltered. Modifies Breath Weapon and Replaces A Legacy of Hatred.   Shunned by most Dragonborn tribes, the Dragonborn that carry with them the brand of The Dragon Queen of yore find themselves colored in the colors of the five chromatic dragons, their scales a rainbow of colors as they find themselves capable of breathing various elements as easy as breathing. Often consumed by a rampant madness, greed, or a deep desire for evil, these Dragonborn lead difficult lives no matter their birthplace.
Platinum Purpose: Choose another breath weapon on the Dragonborn breath weapon table. You can choose at the beginning of each day which of the two selected types to use for that day. By taking 1 point of CON damage as a free action, you may switch between the two types during the day. Each switch after the first each day increases the CON damage you take to 1d4. The cooldown for your breath weapon is shared across all breath weapons you can switch between. Replaces (Draconic Affinity OR Draconic Resistance), A Legacy of Hatred, and Modifies Breath Weapon.   Their scales gleaming a resplendent platinum sheen, the Dragonborn chosen by the Platinum Dragon are revered lords of their tribes, imbued with an entire second element burning within them as if to hearken back to the true Platinum Dragonborn of yore, said to be able to breath many elements at once in massive elemental novas. Their birth is generally seen as a blessing from above, and considered an omen of great things to come for their birth tribe.
Dragonborn Scholar: Ability Score Bonuses become (+2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity) Replaces Ability Scores.   In direct contrast to some of their more strong, charismatic kin, some Dragonborn inherit the intellect and durability of their True Draconic Ancestors.
Advanced Intelligence: Dragonborn Sorcerers have inherited the intelligence of their ancestors, and gain +2 to their Intelligence score. Replaces Draconic Resistance.   Gaining the incredible intelligence of the True Dragons, some Dragonborn find themselves even smarter than their peers.
Skilled: Dragonborn are highly skilled, much like their True Draconic kin, and gain an additional skill rank for every level. Replaces (Breath Weapon OR Draconic Affinity)   Skilled beyond measure, rarely Dragonborn are born into their tribe much more skilled than the rest.


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