Farehan Character in Concieled Grimohvey | World Anvil


An old charismatic guy with one leg replaced with a metal steampunk-ish prosthesis. Can charm almost anyone who has power, has traveled dimensions and seen all kinds of technology and magic. Sometimes gets confused whether a certain technology exists and helps its development.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Prosthesis leg made in a steampunk-ish style

Special abilities

Hops between dimensions

Apparel & Accessories

Wears cloak that hides his leg when he stands in place

Specialized Equipment

Carries around a mirror that helps him hop between dimensions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in a very complex political situation, parents were activists. Was ought to renounce his parents in his teens, became a prominent political figure later on in life thanks to his cunning abilities. At one point was contacted by the Spider God and offered an opportunity to travel to a different world to help make it better. Agreed to hop between worlds and work with the Spider God, was granted eternal life and started his work, adopting the best technologies along the way. Lost his leg in a steampunk world, got a prosthetic replacement. Later, in more advanced dimension, got nano-robots implanted into the leg, making it efficient at senses and boosts if such need arises. Can heal himself using those nano-robots. Found a portal system and a technology to create more portals in one of the dimensions and took the factory with him to be able to hop worlds fast.


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