Thunderskulls in City of Ten Thousand Daggers | World Anvil


The Thunderskulls are an elite heavy infantry unit of the imperial legion named for their skull-faced helmets and the ground-shaking rumble of their approach. Their specialty is taking objectives while under heavy attack from all size, which they accomplish through a combination of heavy armor and battle-tested defensive formations. A detatchment of Thunderskulls was dispatched to Khezvaros in anticipation of uprisings and resistance following the signing of the Grain Rot Pact, but saw relatively little action in the aftermath of the imperial occupation. Despite this fact, the empire has never felt secure enough in its control of the city to recall the Thunderskulls. Today, they mostly serve are reminders of imperial power, often patroling areas where (real or imagined) anti-imperial sentiment is believed to be brewing.

Cover image: Thunderskulls by Steve Johnson


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