Humanity Species in Ciphrus | World Anvil


The Third Humanity, or also referred to as Humanity, is a species that first colonized Ciphrus an indefinite number of years ago.   The Third Humanity has been described as maintaining ample knowledge of hyper-advanced industry, research and development, and aeronautics. As a result, evidence suggests that they may have colonized most of the Milky Way Galaxy as of 12556.  


  The Third Humanity has been known to originate from many different systems and timelines, but they often refer to their "Cradle" as Earth, a planet far from Ciphrus but with no official distance. They refer to the Cradle with supremacy and almost religious favor. (See History for more information.)  


  The goals of the Third Humanity stretch between individual factions within the empire, however, as mentioned by Polymaxir, this particular group of Humans are built with the purpose to catalog and define all known forms of life.   The overall goal of the Third Humanity may be to expand out towards the cosmos, as Ganymede, as well as Polymaxir once stated that Humanity has expanded across many timelines and has no intention of stopping. Polymaxir stated that Ciphrus was a rare case, because the species and races that have settled on the planet contain notable Human origins, where Humans had not been under previous, recorded mentions.

Basic Information


The Third Humanity comprises of almost all electronic or artificial parts, leading most to believe that they are perhaps self-replicating machines, rather than biological, sexual beings. Otherwise, they are bipedal beings with two appendages for tool use, but their appearances vary from person to person.

Genetics and Reproduction


  The Third Humanity, though as they all appear as machines, hint at sexual reproduction as some have clear gender and sexual orientation (for instance, Ganymede is clearly a feminine stature), and thus it is reasonable to assume that they do sexually reproduce. However, this may be for tradition, rather than practicality, and a mass majority may choose the alternative method:  


  Self Replication is most likely the most common method Humanity reproduces, by using an assortment of machines and very little or no biological components to suffice. This is probably done with machines constructed on board Orion Ships, or perhaps Roamers which they use to create backups if needed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

So far, any and all members of Humanity have not been known to eat or ingest any form nutrition or protein-based compounds. This may mean that they either are powered internally through some sort of combustion method, solar powered, or have some third party class protein replicator within their bodies that can help keep their organs from shutting down.

Biological Cycle

While no humans have been seen to have notable sleep cycles or circadian rhythms, they have been known to hiberate over long periods of time, especially during catastrophic events or stressful situations. During these hibernation periods, they go dormant for months or even years at a time to protect and save back ups for the best interest of the group they are involved in.   One example this has been seen is with Ganymede. After the Tamper City Wars erupted, she went into long hibernation to avoid nuclear devastation in the town of Lin's high school basement, only to awake three months later and disappear under mysterious circumstances.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Third Humanity has been observed as one which relies heavily on society to survive. It's often seen that they communicate regularly and equally with one another, as well as even coordinate body movements without any other further communication.

Average Intelligence

Humans have been observed to be incredibly intelligent, possessing knowledge that would otherwise be inaccessible in the current affairs on Ciphrus. They have incredible planning and diplomacy skills.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like the aforementioned, their appearances as well as their senses differ between different individuals. Some may rely completely on sight, while others sound or perhaps electromagnetic sensory in order to find poles of planets when disorientated.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions


  The Third Humanity clearly has naming origins that originate from Valexian cultures. However, a Valexian or any evidence of Valexians have never been seen on or near Ciphrus, and was never mentioned by Ganymede or Polymaxir except for one instance where Polymaxir explained their existence very briefly.  


  Many of their vessels and even individual names have Greek or Roman origins, dating back millennia. Ganymede is clearly named after the largest and most massive moon of Jupiter: Ganymede.  


  Some humans choose to have designation names. When Polymaxir held U.T.R. operatives captive, he referred to one of his fellow crew members as a string of numbers and letters, rather than a specific name. This may suggest a hierarchy, and that only designated members of a crew have specific names, so as not to confuse other members of the ship.

Major Organizations


  The Alliance is a name mentioned by Polymaxir and Ganymede which may refer to an interconnected galactic or even trans-timeline community of species on a similar or even larger level than the Third Humanity. Not much is known about their agenda, however it was mentioned that interfering with lesser developed civilizations could be seem as "immoral" and "against Alliance code," which suggests that they might believe in the Zoo Hypothesis ideology.

Average Technological Level


  Orion Ships are one of the largest colonization/exploration ships that the Third Humanity beholds. According to Polymaxir, they were said to hold up to "ten thousand individuals at one time," however have never exceeded that many individuals and usually most of the space goes unused.   Orion Ships are powered by nuclear fusion reactors and propulsion systems, and were never meant to break a planet's atmosphere, but instead remain above in orbit as a central command point.  


  Roamers, as described by Ganymede, are colossal machines designed to "roam" a planet's surface and detect and identify data that may not otherwise be possible to do from geosynchronous orbit from an Orion Ship. As of now, there is only one Roamer known to be on Ciphrus, however it is unknown whether or not it is still operational.   Roamers have multiple shapes and sizes, and can come in colossal eight-legged machines the size of foothills, or small jeep-sized machines that can dart quickly across the air. Only one has been observed on Ciphrus, however in the summer of 12562, just after the Tamper City Wars, it cut contact with the town of Lin and Mount Haven, leaving its location, and thus its condition left for debate.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Humans take life and nature very dear, and find the easy taking of life incredibly barbaric but not condescendingly so. This is the only thing observed to take of note.


Not much is known about the history of Humanity, but guessing from their official title which they deem the "Third Humanity," there was presumably a Second and First Humanity prior to their current status quo. These First and Second Humanities must have originated from their Cradle, Earth, and expanded into the stars.   At some point, Humanity, prior to transitioning into machines, must have colonized Ciphrus with some intent in mind. However, as mentioned by Polymaxir when Miguel Iglesias and members of Mount Haven transferred on board their Orion ship, the Third Humanity had never explored this region of space before, and that colonization of Ciphrus before then was "almost impossible with faster-than-light capabilities," which at the time of discovery in 12561, was only in its prototype stages. The colonization of Ciphrus and its feasibility remains a mystery to this day.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
Third Humanity
Unknown, but could be centuries or even thousands of years.
Average Height
Anywhere from 1-5 meters tall.
Average Weight


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