Waltenburg Organization in Cinematica | World Anvil


Waltenburg started off a relatively small country with very little impact over anything within Cinematica. As a matter of fact, it started off completely disjointed and the local lords were more interested in battling each other over small scraps of land and resources, often with little regards to the common populace or its well-being. It was from one of these conflicts that the country found its footing from a small-town mayor who had been taking in orphans from neighboring locations.   At first, no one paid any mind to this man, Walther, but, as the children grew, tales of their beauty or skill spread. Seeing a chance to possibly bring the the local lords together, if only to stop them from hurting the people, Walther set up trials for each of the courtiers for his newfound children. These trials became legends and would be passed down from generation to generation as murals depicting the events would be painted all over the kingdoms.    From the marriages, Walther forged tenuous alliances that lasted for quite some time, at least until the other countries began to solidify power. Fearing the power that the newly stood up neighbors had, the lords agreed they needed to form a single, unified coalition. The problems arose when deciding who would lead it. Each lord believed themselves to be the best for the job and none would back down. Approached by his daughters, Walther was asked to again find a way to bring them together.   A Tournament was held with each lord fielding a team of champions which included not only themselves but their wives, Walther's children. Unknown to them, though, was that Walther also had a team prepared, one that he had been training for specialized tasks. By the end of the tournament, Walther had won control.   His first act as Emperor was to create the Imperial Capitol, Yensid. From there, he began to coordinate efforts to gain as much territory as fast as possible. In direct opposition to how many of the neighboring countries were waging military campaigns, Walther sought to use trade and political subterfuge to disrupt his enemies then swoop in as a savior to their people. This created a deific image of Walther in many peoples' eyes.   Over nearly three decades, Walther secured the regions of modern day Ghiblantia, the Living Frontier, the Pridelands, and the Imperial Capitol of Waltenburg. After claiming this final territory, Walther moved the Capitol of Yensid out of the City States of Yensid and into the Imperial Capitol. Very few of these acquisitions involved military campaigns, which led to other countries believing Waltenburg was weak. This would prove a grave mistake the first time that the Vulpine Kingdoms would attempt to invade. This would later be known as the Foxhunt Wars.   Anytime a conflict would break out, Walther's children, affectionately referred to as his Mouseketeers, for the three circle mouse emblem they all carried, or Princesses, would lead the armies. These Princesses were a force of nature and would come to be feared, so much so that enemy generals would often seek to surrender or retreat at the mention of one being seen on the battlefield. The reports were easy to verify as the Princesses wore custom, brightly colored suits of armor and carried powerful artifacts or made use of powerful magic in their own-right.   Shortly after the Foxhunt Wars, Walther would begin to seclude himself in the constantly renovated Imperial Castle. Rumor spread that he had begun to go mad, either from the power or possibly the memories of his youth. It was also around this time that the Draining Sickness began to spread among the people. Fear and death were in no short supply, but Walther, a man the country had grown to revere, remained secluded and silent. This would continue for several years before he finally emerged with a solution.   Though no one has a a verified account of what happened, the stories all share one thing in common: paired amulets and crystal structures. These were gifted to each of his daughters and they were instructed to place them in their castles. Supposedly, this drove off the illness and the land began to heal, but confirmation is impossible since this marked when Waltenburg went into full isolation.   For over three hundred years, Waltenburg would remain in a complete isolationist vacuum. No one was allowed in or out. At least, until the nearby 616 Conglomerate began to experience political upheaval. As with before, Waltenburg seized on the opportunity and brought them into the fold. Though they were brought into the fold, the 616, as well as all future acquisitions, would remain open for external activities.   In recent times, Waltenburg has begun entering into international trade, often exporting odd items and importing magical artifacts alongside various biological specimens and supplies. Coupled with the acquisition of their largest competitor, the Vulpine Kingdoms, this has caused the rest of the world to reevaluate Waltenburg's intentions and place in the world.


Imperial Capitol Waltenburg - Capital - Complete Control City States of Yensid - Complete Control The Pridelands - Complete Control Ghiblantia - Complete Control Raxip - Contested Control by local government that occasionally rebels and breaks free before resubjugation The Living Frontier - Complete Control 616 Conglomerate - Complete Control though unrest is growing Council of Balance - Control of local politicians but warriors seem dissatisfied Vulpine Kingdoms - Recently subjugated via a deal with the RDA, but local governments refuse to recognize Waltenburg leadership


  • 616 Terrain Map
    The map of the Terrain and Major cities for the 616 Conglomerate.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire
Imperials; Waltonians
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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  • 0 BU

    Unification of Waltenburg

    The year that Waltenburg unified its warring city-states and Walther rose to power.

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